Qld Brewers Get Togethers

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I'll do my best to strike a few of each



Please include me for the hops and I'll bring at least one chilli plant to the meet. Will bring seeds as well and distribute under a full moon. :D

Batz, I'd like a cluster to take home.

Definately interested, I could bring a three meats and three chilli dish along I do but its a sleep over and the three beans have a kick specialically when backed with chilli.

Frank, obviously you have never woken up in the morning with Tidal Pete around :blink:


Will bring seeds as well and distribute under a full moon. :D

Hate to tell you InCider, but my ephemeris tells me the moon will only be at 69% on March 10 :(

Hate to tell you InCider, but my ephemeris tells me the moon will only be at 69% on March 10 :(


Jokes about planting by the moon will not go down well around this neck of the woods

And you won't have to wait till morning before Tidalpete shares his wares :blink:

Hate to tell you InCider, but my ephemeris tells me the moon will only be at 69% on March 10 :(


Damn my FHM calendar Bonj. There seems moons on every page! :D

I'll distribute the seeds at high tide then. There will be of those somewhere on the day! :blink:

Put me down for a Hallertau,

I'm happy to take cuttings from mine to bring along (Nugget and MT Hood), if someone can explain how to strike them :)

Id love any hops cuttings I can get - I don't have any to trade, but do have the perfect place to grow them on my 3.6m tall shed :D

Oh, and Batz, my name still isn't on the list - what are you tring to tell me? ;)

Damn my FHM calendar Bonj. There seems moons on every page! :D

I'll distribute the seeds at high tide then. There will be of those somewhere on the day!

:lol: Ok... my tide calculator (which is calibrated for Brisbane, so the times will be slightly off, but not enough to notice... especially since the Bat Cave is inland ;) ) tells me that there are high tides at:
01:00 March 10
13:00 March 10
02:00 March 11

Anyone still able to function by then might score some! :party:

I would love a cutting from anyone with a Columbus or Mt Hood plant :)

I used my excellent gardening skills to kill my first rhizome :angry:
I would love a cutting from anyone with a Columbus or Mt Hood plant :)

Me too,or anything I have not got

Hi all I have not grown hops before which is the easiest variety to grow?.
Cheers Altstart
I'll do my best to strike a few of each


Ok guys I have taken cutting from these today,hope I will have several of each for anyone who wants them.
Let not count our hops till they take root but ;)

Oh Goldings not Cluster as said before

Thanks heaps Batz. :)

Goldings is probably on the top of my list, so lets hope the cuttings take root.

Thanks heaps Batz. :)

Goldings is probably on the top of my list, so lets hope the cuttings take root.


Yes one of my favorite too Bonj,and growing by far the best in this climate for some reason.
I started 10 of them so some should kick off

:lol: Ok... my tide calculator (which is calibrated for Brisbane, so the times will be slightly off, but not enough to notice... especially since the Bat Cave is inland ;) ) tells me that there are high tides at:
01:00 March 10
13:00 March 10
02:00 March 11

Anyone still able to function by then might score some! :party:


Bonj, while we are getting all our data compiled for the event: Tide, Moon etc, we will need the weather too!

Mr Linky below...

BatCaveWeather Proudly sponsored by The Brewerhood. :D
Any chance of getting a recap of what was agreed on eg time date and place into the cut and paste section of who is comming, I seemed to missed the date somewhere.

Definately interested, I could bring a three meats and three chilli dish along I do but its a sleep over and the three beans have a kick specialically when backed with chilli.

Can we put this as a topic for our new website? Just easier for the quick jump on jump off users like me. :)

Can we put this as a topic for our new website? Just easier for the quick jump on jump off users like me. :)


Great idea Kev
I'll like a Brewerhood brewing sculptures gallery too

I think browndog has the tucker organized, thanks mate :beerbang:

One last thing,everyone visiting the cave please bring $2.00 worth of 10c pieces,those who have visited recently will know why....other will discover when your here :p

$2.00 worth of 10c pieces,those who have visited recently will know why....other will discover when your here :p

Is it anything like this?