Putting Down A Canadian Blonde

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Dan A

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Hey there, this will be my second beer brew....

I have a can of Coopers Canadian Blonde which I am about to start a brew from, I noticed some malt on sale at K-Mart so bought some.

Would yall recommend adding malt to this batch?

How Much Malt To Add?

Still add Dextrose?

Hey Dan,

I'm with Sluggerdog on this kit, needs a little bit of body with the malt. I just toss the Coopers #2 in. Top easy brew. Next one I'll dump the usual metic handful of hop pellets it...


I have a brew Enhancer 1 in the cupboard, would that be ok?, not sure what the difference is?

Beware of letting it overheat. If you don't have good temp control, pitch low at 22deg. My last one went crazy and I had trouble keeping it below 26 for a few days.
i put my canadian blonde down on sat just passed.. pitched at 26c due to over estimating the thermal capacity of ~18l of water.. only got 4 of my six litres of near-ice water in. just brewing as per the can with coopers be1. brew temp is 22 deg locked into the brewfridge.
i like my blondes tall and well tanned with a nice bit of (upper) body.. we'll see how this one turns out ;)
Coopers BE1 is dextrose and maltodextrine
BE2 is dextrose, maltodextrine and malt

Read the sides of the packet, BE1 says it improves mouthfeel.
BE2 says it improves mouthfeel and flavour, I think from memory.

When I go to my local shop the BE2 is almost always sold out,
BE1 is always plentiful, enough said.
Pretty much my rule when I was doing quick kits + bits was to use one of the following packs from my local HBS:

500g Dextrose, 250g Light Malt, 250g Corn Syrup

500g Light Malt, 250g Dextrose, 250g Corn Syrup

IF your brewing a lighter flavoured brew then use more dex and less malt and visa versa.

The coopers BE2 is a pretty good allrounded. I have never use the BE1 before and I don't think I ever would. You need to add in some dried malt I think to all brews, even if it is just a few hundred grams.

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