Pushed my cube too far?

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So the wort seems fine however the cube is a little worse for wear. I can't pop it back into shape.

At this stage, do I keep it and accept it will hold a smaller volume or ditch it? I'm inclined to keep it but I'm not sure of the cube's integrity now.

Anyone been in this situation?

I like wolfmans idea however hot wort would do the same.
Brew another beer damn it!! It's your duty to return that cube to normal shape.

Edit. Fixed autocorrect
I push mine in like that every time I fill it. (25 litre cube, 23 litres of wort). +1 to what Yob said.
it'll pop when you clean it or fill with hot wort again
I love how the answer to everything is "BREW MORE BEER"!

I agree, it is my duty.
mix some vinegar and bicarb soda in the cube, put lid on and stand back
Mine look like that.
I would think its still the same volume, just resting in a different pozzish.

Spose cubes don't need to look pretty to hold wort.

All the same, I like the idea of getting it back to shape with hot wort !
When I collected about 60 Aldi 2L cola bottles for my original brewing project, my son and I spent an afternoon doing cola and mentos gushers.

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