Psychadelic Agave Galaxy

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Andrew Coleman

Well-Known Member
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1.7kg Coopers Mexican Cerveza kit
500g LME
15g Galaxy Hop Pellets (added at end of boil for aroma)
500g 'loving earth' Light Agave Syrup (added to secondary)
Yeast nutrient (boiled yeast sachet, added to secondary)
Finnings (added to secondary)
Saflager w34/70

topped up with 23L water

Just bottled this lil numba a week ago, originally from the topic "agave cerveza", smells like paradise! Seems as though this should be the homebrewers alternative to a mexican cerveza, coz this beer goes down so easy like a carona, but doesn't have that urine-like flavour that carona is dominated by, HA! well i shall update this as the weeks go by and this beauty lagers up shum more :)! BTW it's 35C in Adelaide right now so didn't really feel like chewing on a stout, or anything too malty!
Apparently there are 120 or so subspecies in the Agaveaceae family.
Some are used for Mezcal.
That brew could do with 'the grub'.
A couple of peyote buttons wouldn't hurt either.
Agave is a rich source of sugar, as are prickly pears, and, indeed just about any fruit you can think of, yes virginia pumpkin is a fruit.
I am not at all convinced though that agave contains any alkaloids that drop it into the physcodelic bucket!!!!
Some ancient memory tells me that the only relationship is mexico.

Tequila is made from Blue Agave. It's the "heart" that's got all the fermentables.

Here's Chriton from Red Dwarf telling you how...

And its alkaloids are not pyschotropic. IMO, tequila tastes like me driving the porcelin bus.
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hehe just thought id be creative with the name, but yeah makin this one again now but with extra hops and a lil more malt! all the same but adding 200gms more ldme and 10gms galaxy @ 50 min and 10gms galaxy @ 20min, what do ppl think of this? its basically just im lukin for the same thing with a more flavour, slightly more malty, and more passion of the fruit hop flavours!
Drewcifer sounds like a good drop, where did you get the Agave syrup,what cost? would like to give this a go myself
Hey it cost me $12 for 500g of the stuff from one of those "natural organic" style shops in the adelaide markets, I rekon thats the only place that you could probs get it is one of those kind of shops, if you know the kind i mean, goodluck finding the stuff in vic! btw there was a couple different kinda, light, dark and the one that i got which was light aswell but hada slightly different label but contained more sugars/carbs and was a bit more expensive (not by much).
Does anyone know where I can get some peyote buttons? Just a couple will do.

San Pedro cactus. Grows like a weed in hundreds of back yards contains almost as much mecaline as peyote. And they are HUGE.
hehe you mean grow in the backyards in QLD im guessing, wonder if we get em here in SA?! hmmm possibly worth looking into... not for beer though, or maybe... ;)
It appears to be a very temperature tolerant Cactus. Looks as though it would even survive a Tasmanian winter down to -10 degrees C which is a bonus. I think it's cultivation is legal in Australia but it's consumption is not. So I'd be growing it purely for it's aesthetic qualities but I'm sure it would look a whole lot better if you had mistakingly consumed some of it.
For those interested...

All the Mescaline bearing cactus species are legal to grow. Once you consume them, extract the alkaloids or infer that you intend to you can be charged with possesion.

Trichocerus Peruvians
Trichocerus San Pedro
Lophphora Williamsii

Are the three main species to look for, the last one being "true" peyote.

Google any one of them there are quite a few suppliers in OZ.

By all accounts though mescaline is pretty hard on the stomach, would probably ruin your beer drinking experience.
The non-active agave beer which kicked this thread off definitely sounds interesting to me though.
For those interested...

Google any one of them there are quite a few suppliers in OZ.

And just hope that whoever is processing your credit card when you order hasn't just partaken in dose of it.

One point to be aware of when experimenting with these alkaloids should be that it's use traditionally is supported by centuries of knowledge regarding its preparation, ingestion etc.
I know of people that have had their lives ruined by Magic Mushies and Datura, so please be careful.
Not that we'd ever throw cactus, mushrooms, datura and beer in the same basket <_<
Psychoactive they all may be, but psychedelic - only two.

Agave syrup can be found in any ol' health food store and even in some coles (health food section).
Tasty addition to a recipe.
Nice beer name, drewcifer. But like Boagsy said
'Button, button ... who's got the button?'
San Pedro cactus. Grows like a weed in hundreds of back yards contains almost as much mecaline as peyote. And they are HUGE.

No, not entirely correct. In fact Nick, dare I say not even close ! The Trichocereus pachanoi (aka the San Pedro) contains substantially less mescaline alkaloid than the lophophora (aka peyote) on a gram-for-gram basis. One would need to chug down a very serious amount of boil-reduced green porridge from the pedro in order to fly with Leary's crowd.
A couple of peyote buttons wouldn't hurt either.

Second thoughts, perhaps they wouldn't be a good idea in this recipe.

After due consideration the Galaxy and peyote would probably not be a good combination.

I do like the idea of the Agave syrup, ingenious.
No, not entirely correct. In fact Nick, dare I say not even close ! The Trichocereus pachanoi (aka the San Pedro) contains substantially less mescaline alkaloid than the lophophora (aka peyote) on a gram-for-gram basis. One would need to chug down a very serious amount of boil-reduced green porridge from the pedro in order to fly with Leary's crowd.

True, I should have added that peyotes are tiny little buggers and I've seen a San Pedro that had a wooden trunk, about twenty stems and must have been twenty five feet high. So, yeah - a LOT of active ingredient in the one plant. But you're correct - not nearly as much by dried weight.
hehe just thought id be creative with the name, but yeah makin this one again now but with extra hops and a lil more malt! all the same but adding 200gms more ldme and 10gms galaxy @ 50 min and 10gms galaxy @ 20min, what do ppl think of this? its basically just im lukin for the same thing with a more flavour, slightly more malty, and more passion of the fruit hop flavours!

And a hell of an improvement, fantastic beer this one turned out! Gunna try doin the same but replace agave syrup with invert sugar and add some grapefruit extract for a nice fruity, bitter lager...or maybe make that an ale? hmmm, sounds lyk a diff recipie altogether then, but these galaxy hops are deffinetly something else :)!

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