Propylene Glycol from Vape Stores

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I was just wondering if there would be any issue with using Glycol sold in vape stores? it's 99.7% food grade.

I live in Newcastle and it's a lot cheaper to buy a 5Ltr of Glycol from the local vape store than it is to get it shipped up from Melbourne.

I cannot see it being an issue, but just wondering if anyone has tried it.
I'm guessing it does not have inhibitors in it, but how much this would be a problem in a g40 chiller I do not know.

There are no additives in Glycol for brewery use. Vape glycol is the same thing as they use in commercial brewery chillers. Go nuts...
You may be thinking of something like car antifreeze that has additives? Don't use that... Toxic
There are no additives in Glycol for brewery use. Vape glycol is the same thing as they use in commercial brewery chillers. Go nuts...
You may be thinking of something like car antifreeze that has additives? Don't use that... Toxic
Thanks, no, I have never used car anti freeze, always food graded propylene glycol. With postage from both Keg----'s In Melbourne, even if there is no inhibitors, it would cost less to replace more often. Thanks
Have you found this glycole in vape shops? I am looking now for it and feels impossible to find.
I needed Propylene Glycol for something I was working on too. Wanted something decent but didn’t want to spend too much.
Try ebay
I found what I needed with Nexus Smoke products. They had it at a good price, and it was the 99.7% food grade kind you're talking about. It did the job well for me, and getting it was easy since I didn’t have to wait for it to be shipped.

As long as it’s the good stuff and food grade like the one from Nexus Smoke, it should work fine for your g40 chiller. Just make sure it matches what you need!