And thats where is ends for me.Isn't making good beer important
- boingk
(said like the noise pigs apparently make, but with a short b sound in front of it)
And thats where is ends for me.Isn't making good beer important
BTW, as for brewing words that really do come from German, I tend to pronounce them as per the German pronunciation, but I speak German so it's pretty straight forward for me. For most English speakers I think you can pronounce them whatever way you like as long as you are understood.
Hey warrenlw63 not everybody has the benefit of a good education (long story) why be so hung upon others spelling. Isn't making good beer important
Hi, my name's Andy.
oh, err, EEEEEEEEEEEEEndi.
Ohhh! Sorry Maaaaaaaaaaaaaayte, Andy...
i certainly didn't learn about lager at school (although i learnt a bit about it at uni!)
isn't this forum for educating us about beer as well as how to make it?
i think spelling is important - it's part of respecting all the different traditions and cultures that beer comes from.
american and UK and european brewing websites don't have many spelling mistakes, but aussie websites are full of them. don't know why this is.
I feel the same way...
As a fluent german speaker I cringe everytime someone pronounces alt, hefeweizen, schwarzbier and reinheitsgebot...
And just to be a complete pedant (about spelling, not pronunciation), in reference to the title of this thread:
It's pronunciation, not pronounciation.