Pronounciation of beer and brewing terms

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Camo6 said:
Haha! Treefiddy's avatar has been giving me headaches for days but I can't stop staring at it.
Have you been drinking?
You've probably been drinking, this is a beer forum after all.
Camo6 said:
I still pronounce sparge as sparg. When I pronounce it sparge I sound like Goldmember.
Sparg? With a g as in gold? WTF?
i say trub, with the 'u' as in under. saying it like 'troob' makes me feel like a try-hard for some reason
fletcher said:
i say trub, with the 'u' as in under. saying it like 'troob' makes me feel like a try-hard for some reason
I say "troob" and "kroyzen" and I'm gald to admit I'm totally a try hard :D. If I wasn't trying I'd be a pro brewer by now :p
verysupple said:
My high school German is but a dim memory these days but is that even close to being correct. I'd imagine a phonetic English pronunciation would probably get you closer.
Yeah as in the 'e' is silent. You can keep yer fancy french words. I knew a bloke who would say 'tooch' everytime someone made a witty riposte comeback. No one had the heart to tell him.
fletcher said:
i say trub, with the 'u' as in under. saying it like 'troob' makes me feel like a try-hard for some reason
Even I say it that way, that's how I read it the first time and that's how it stuck.

Never heard the word in German beforehand anyway, it's not a common word at all unless you brew beer.
treefiddy said:
Have you been drinking?
You've probably been drinking, this is a beer forum after all.
I suspect you are taking the piss but here is a screen shot of what we see...

Camo6 said:
I knew a bloke who would say 'tooch' everytime someone made a witty riposte comeback. No one had the heart to tell him.
That is ******* funny!!
Yob said:
if your avatar is anything to go by wouldn't that mean you pronounce things twice?
but only see half of everything ... so it evens out. Simple!

As in 'havanutha bee-a mate' or 'yawunnautha bee-a mate?'

Or just 'bee-a' in response to "excuse me? What beverages do you serve in this establishment my good barkeep?'
Hmmm... It would seem that a lot of folks around here like to get their knickers in a knot about pismronounciation of their worms (emphasis on the "piss"!).
I tend to pronounce as troob, cr-ow-zen and heff-a-vizen. Whatever, I don't really give two shits.
To get the pronunciation correct for Friday nights we would also need a slur font.
I got my pronunciations from listening to a number of brewers, a couple of them commercial (which isn't to se they are correct either).
Used to say.................. now say
Krow-zen (as in cow) Kroi-zen
Wheat beer. Heff-vy-tzen
Trub (as in tub) Same
Wort Wirt (as in dirt)

The more subjective ones are things like diacetyl:
Die-ass-uh-tul, or die-ah-see-tul,

Anyway, neither pronunciation (as apposed to pronounciation), make better or worse beer. :)
How many times must one repeat oneself?

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