Prohibition.. on Netflix

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Excellent documentary series on Netflix, "Prohibition".

One of the best docos out of the USA I've ever seen. I particularly love the scene in #2 where Anheuser-Busch are churning out masses of malt extract and home brewers lifting their glasses "Gee that's a good drop"..

I'd guess that era really entrenched extract as the main US ingredient in home brewing. One thing that interests me is that masses of beer was being brewed by bootleggers, I'd assume it was extract as they wouldn't have been able to run huge malting and mashing operations on an industrial scale themselves under the radar of the authorities. I wonder what that beer would have been like, maybe fuller flavoured and stronger than the bland lagers that got produced by the surviving big breweries when Prohibition ended?
Very old that was out on PBS in 2011 not sure why Netflix would bring it back to life.
I wish they would put a prohibition on Netflix because it's ******* my internet back to worse than dial up speeds.
At least, thats what telsta is telling me.
Dave70 said:
At least, thats what telsta is telling me.
no, telstra (and other providers) are because they skimp/skimped on backhaul bandwidth and now that more people are actually using their bandwidth for more than browsing its becoming more congested
if only that NBN thing didnt get trashed/mutilated we might not have had to keep dealing with such issues (or at least the congestion bar moves way higher)
The beer pre prohibition days ( i was not there so only what i have read) was apparently pretty darn good a shame that these brewers didn't survive prohibition. As for the bootleggers product you could imagine there would have been some good beer but damn, i cant help think there would have been a whole lot of nasty infected ****
Unfortunately NBN is suffering the same fate with their backhaul as well.

Guess who they rent backhaul off..... ;)
Does that mean the politicians and talk-back radio squarkers who claimed a scaled-back NBN would be adequate for all our future internet needs were wrong? I guess that's what happens when decisions on all things technology are made by people who believe 1954 is not only the height of civilisation but what we should aspire to as an ideal future. Add this to the bonds political parties have with those controlling existing media platforms and we have a formula for rear-view decision making in the areas of technology and innovation.
Tropical_Brews said:
Very old that was out on PBS in 2011 not sure why Netflix would bring it back to life.
Or Planet Earth, or Wild China or Frozen Planet?

I get 500 GB with around 4 MBPS so quite happy hereabouts.
goomboogo said:
Does that mean the politicians and talk-back radio squarkers who claimed a scaled-back NBN would be adequate for all our future internet needs were wrong? I guess that's what happens when decisions on all things technology are made by people who believe 1954 is not only the height of civilisation but what we should aspire to as an ideal future. Add this to the bonds political parties have with those controlling existing media platforms and we have a formula for rear-view decision making in the areas of technology and innovation.
It was the LNP that deemed that 25Mbps was way fast enough for Australian internet users. If you get faster then consider yourself an elitist B)
Ducatiboy stu said:
It was the LNP that deemed that 25Mbps was way fast enough for Australian internet users. If you get faster then consider yourself an elitist B)
Any more than sending e-mail is unabashed extravagance.
Anyone who is sitting back watching Netflix is a leaner, you and your kids should be out in a mine for sixteen hours a day digging minerals for six bucks an hour for Ms Piggy.

Ask the Telegraph, they'll put you right. In the time that they have left.

I'm not a betting man but I'd give Foxtel five years, I bet Telstra will bail before then, they have painted themselves into a corner by hitching their wagon to the wrong star.
The modern internet as preferred by the LNP

BBS ascii.jpg
WTF? That's 8-bit colour. We can't afford that.

Damn those pr0n downloading *******s, they're to blame. If we stuck to 1-bit we could transmit all kinds of data.
verysupple said:
Damn those pr0n downloading *******s, they're to blame. If we stuck to 1-bit we could transmit all kinds of data.
Only Blu-ray for me :lol:

Some bitter and jaded folks here, why is every discussion lately descending into a whinge about the Liberals? Sheesh. On-topic Bribie, we have a few days left of our free subscription so I'll try and check it out if my wife will part with the TV.
I'm going to have a look at Stan as well. If it's any good then between Stan, Netflix and the yo ho ho and a bottle of rum site :ph34r: I doubt if I'll be watching any free to air in real time any more ( most shows are available on catch up if I really want to watch any of them).
I mean, how many times a day can you listen to that tormented sad soul wailing "wad oo waidin fo" in the background of the insurance ad without throwing a brick through the screen. Feckwits.
I just sent this email to Real Insurance:

Dear Real Insurance

I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for driving me finally to subscribe to Netflix, Stan and a couple of torrent sites.
Now I can enjoy ad free television without that poor tortured moaning retarded soul wailing "wod oo waitin' fo" time after time after time.
I assume the idiot is trying to enunciate "what are you waiting for".

I took his advice and set up my viewing so I don't have to put up with your idiotic patronising ads any more.

"a friend told me I can buy life insurance over the phone"
Well whatever gave you that idea you stupid bitch.

"My name is Chantelle, I'm 32 and I'm a non smoker"

********. You are an actress, you are probably 27 and you smoke like a chimney.

Goodbye and thanks for the pain.

TheWiggman said:
Some bitter and jaded folks here, why is every discussion lately descending into a whinge about the Liberals? Sheesh. On-topic Bribie, we have a few days left of our free subscription so I'll try and check it out if my wife will part with the TV.
When governments make ****** decisions they get criticised, hardly the whingers fault that theres so many to choose from these days.

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