Professor Charlie Bamforth In Melbourne

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Hi all -

I don't normally post promo stuff in AHB but this is something that I think would be of real interest to Melbourne-based brewers.

Professor Charlie Bamforth is in Melbourne for the IBD conference later this month and he is joining us to do a live Q&A podcast about all things beer, to be recorded at The Great Northern on 27 March. It's a great opportunity to have a beer with Charlie and engage in some serious (and not so serious) beer talk with one of the world's leading beer researchers and academics.

You can find details and booking info here. It's only $11 and includes a couple of free beers.

You might also be interested in the Craft Brewers Forum being run on the Sunday as part of the IBD conference too. It's only $50 and, while nominally for professional brewers, would also be of interest to anyone with serious plans to one day open their own brewery.

More details and booking links here.

Hope to see you at the Great Northern on the 27th.

Wouldn't be great if we could get him here for ANHC, Andyd???

Don't ask don't get
You can find details and booking info here. It's only $11 and includes a couple of free beers.
Sounds good - would be even better if they accepted PayPal payments, but will see if I can find a Credit Card to use instead.
Wouldn't be great if we could get him here for ANHC, Andyd???

Don't ask don't get

Indeed - the challenge is getting these folks for travel twice in one year - it's a pretty big commitment for them to come all the way to Australia... but a good thought none-the-less...

For those who can't make it to the Great Northern on the night (like me :( ), don't forget it will be podcast as well...

Just remember to post the podcast link, wouldn't miss it for sure except for distance
Just Booked, Payed $10 for a pint at the Northern Saturday night so being this comes with a beer Bamforth's only $1! :D
Just got back from what was a pretty good night, questions were more of an open conversation between all comers which allows plenty of wide ranging questions, some may not have been directed particularly toward Charlies strengths, by that i mean how can a man thats been here for a week comment on the direction Australian craft brewing should take?

But questions directed towards the technical he was very knowledgeable and certainly changed some of my perceptions about beer quality, buying local, Brewing under license, Malting process (won't be on recording as i asked this after) and told some good side stories.

There was a few technical glitches with the Audio so not sure what sort of a recording will come out of it but if and when it'd be worth a listen.
Agreed a great discussion. Pushed my into a discussion with Charlie and the organizers after the show. Very memorable night from my end. Damn should have got a photo.
Glad I found the time to get out.

1st time at the Northern looks like a good place.
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas when the podcast will be released or if there was a problem and it wont be released?

Been hanging out to listen to it that's all.

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