Probe And Controller Configuration Advice

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I am putting together a 3 vessel stainless steel electric AG system and am looking for some advice in terms of probes and controllers.

This is what I have planned....

2400w immersion element with thermowell (have)
Temp Controller (need)
Temp Probe (need)

2200w old kitchen kettle element (have)
Shinko JSC - 33A Temp Controller (have)
PT100 RTD Temp Probe (need)

Analogue Temp Dial (have)

Are there any comments/advice on planned configuration?

I have a couple of qns on the Kettle...
Do I utilise the thermowell or better to put another hole in and use a probe?
Advice on controller for kettle?
Do I just get a voltage adjuster thingy for the kettle and an analogue dial?

Also is using a 9" FB fraught with danger within a converted 50L Tun?

I am not precious on this configuration so open to all (on topic) suggestions and comments.
Nice start to a system there for sure.

A few Q's for you good sir...

1. Typical batch size? This will determine your element sizes / lag times to a fair degree.

2. Plans for HERMS/RIMS upgrades in the future? If so you can go a small(er) HLT element as most of the heating / ramping up will be in the HERMS.

Kettle element - I have 2 x 2400W, and can have one or both on - depends on rate of boil I want, and also depends on my batch size. You can insulate and/or provide lids to increase your current element potency. Then take off the lid once boiling starts to allow for evaporation in the kettle.

I have no controls on the kettle except the on/off switch and this works fine for me thus far.

You need to keep a good rolling boil, and I am not sure an electric power source switching on and off over a period of time will give this nice rolling boil.

Just my 2c. Good luck with this! :icon_cheers:
I can help you with the PT100 RTD
Not sure why you would need to monitor/control temp in the Boiler, I'd go without that.

Thanks for the responses....

I have insulation for the 3 vessels (camping mats with builders foil glued to it) and they will have lids as well, so that should help with heat retention.

I want to monitor the kettle temp so I know when I have hit my chill temp (I have made an immersion chillier and plan to whirlpool), and I will need to adjust the element to control the ferocity of the boil and evaporation rates. The best option may be that I put in an analogue dial and use a variable voltage controller to adjust the element.

Is this overkill is a simple on off switch is the way to go?

Raven in response to your questions...

1. I will be starting off with batches of 20-25L but may move closer to vessel capacity at a later date.
2. At this stage no plans for HERMS/RIMS

Andrew I'll PM with regards to the RTD probe.
In regards to the kettle switch - as you are boiling wort, I think there could be an issue with hitting temps consistently, and also the boiling temp of the wort.... Is it 98, 100, 103, etc.... different worts would have (slightly) different boiling temps I'd imagine. Plus with the electrical elements switching on and off may lead to a disrupted boil - I hope what I am trying to type here makes sense!

As per Andrew's comments I would not worry about the Boiler Temp.

Maybe get a digital temp probe for checking the temp as it cools, you could easily rig up a holder to hold it in place after your chiller is in the kettle.

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