Pro V Amateur - Who Has The Real Advantage?

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I would like to get this straight once and for all.

I was offered the exclusive rights to Cryer Malt to HOMEBREWERS in Australia by David himself.

I told him that i thought it was better that each state had their own representative.

He has therefore made a business decision and CHOSEN to use Ross and therefore he DOES have a monopoly.

To cut to the chase and to keep on topic....commercial brewers entering amateur competitions do have SIGNIFICANT advantages over the average homebrewer, especially as was pointed out in this thread, when the professional brewer DID NOT even make the beer but entered it under their name.

Its cheating Briber and perhaps you endorse it?


EDIT: As I mentioned before when Ross opened his first can of hopped extract and made his first beer back on Grumpy's forum, he would have been the first to chuck a "hissy fit" if Grumpy's or Dr. Cooper enetered their worts in an Amateur comp.

Funny, I've been selling Cryer malts for a while now.

I always thought homebrew competitions were meant for amateur brewers, professional brewers/commercial breweries have their own competitions.

In the main, people who buy wort kits are not interested in competitions. Bit sad though, someone entering a wort kit in a competition in order to win something.

Absolute Homebrew
The issue of the Amateur/Commercial Brewers entering Competitions in Qld and therefore the AABC will have to be taken to the QAAWBG AGM in February next year. That is where the decision will have to be made. The view after the 2011 competition was for example, Although Ross brewed his beer in a commercial environment instead of at home but in this case, he was a member of the QAAWBG before he was a commercial brewer. As a member he has the right to compete just like everyone else.

For anyone who wishes to put forward suggestions concerning this topic, I will be able to take them to the 23rd of October Meeting
i do, because i am better than the pros :eek: . they do it for a boring would having a job be.
Although Ross brewed his beer in a commercial environment instead of at home but in this case, he was a member of the QAAWBG before he was a commercial brewer. As a member he has the right to compete just like everyone else.
Your point is ?????
Quote "but in this case, he was a member of the QAAWBG before he was a commercial brewer. As a member he has the right to compete just like everyone else."
I can not see your reasoning here ???
I was a boy scout many years ago ! but if I rolled up now to a meeting I would be thrown out or worse.
This sounds like one person pushing his own agenda to me. I dont see much support for Ross from other pro brewers, understandably.
The issue of the Amateur/Commercial Brewers entering Competitions in Qld and therefore the AABC will have to be taken to the QAAWBG AGM in February next year. That is where the decision will have to be made. The view after the 2011 competition was for example, Although Ross brewed his beer in a commercial environment instead of at home but in this case, he was a member of the QAAWBG before he was a commercial brewer. As a member he has the right to compete just like everyone else.

I don't get this either? So if your a QAAWBG member you get special support in comps??
Ok, I see your point there. We had a conversation just as the competition was starting about whether the beer would have been brewed at work or not. As he didn't win the Champion or Reserve, it didn't pose as much of a problem as we thought it would. He did however win Champion for 2011, but there was some beautiful beer in the entries.

It has to be brought to the attention of the whole committee. The wine comp, after it was over it was brought to my attention that some of the wine entries were made by school students not the member in question. The member was their science teacher who entered as part of their class. I then found out that there were two of them. So it is a topic that is being brought up anyway.

The agenda at this meeting in October is going to be huge!
As for the Fresh Wort Kit question, There were 4 of the same worts made by different brewers. Mine won Champion Beer, Kit, and the Champion Novice was this beer also. I didn't think about it that closely until then.

The Reserve Champion was a mash, from PUBS.

This subject is also on the agenda for the October meeting.
Yeah, well actually you sort of do in the Queensland arena. It is the Association which supports all of the local shows etc. and the QLD comps.
Ok, I see your point there. We had a conversation just as the competition was starting about whether the beer would have been brewed at work or not. As he didn't win the Champion or Reserve, it didn't pose as much of a problem as we thought it would. He did however win Champion for 2011, but there was some beautiful beer in the entries.

It has to be brought to the attention of the whole committee. The wine comp, after it was over it was brought to my attention that some of the wine entries were made by school students not the member in question. The member was their science teacher who entered as part of their class. I then found out that there were two of them. So it is a topic that is being brought up anyway.

The agenda at this meeting in October is going to be huge!
I hope you get this QAAWBG comp cleaned up before it becomes a free for all joke.
Wish you the best.
There will be big changes at the end of this year, for next year. It has been a long time coming, but it is in the works. Details haven't quite been released yet.

So yu are Ross advetising on an internet site? Posing as an amateur brewer? entering in homebrew comps?

Homegrown malts have always been the best and it is confusing why we are "convinced" that we need to buy imported malts at roughly the same price as bags of Aussie grown and malted, malt.

Worse still is why we need, as a homebrewer, to rely on suppliers who generally don't live in barley growing regions of the globe?

Is it all about transport for thise who live in Qld? Is it about how those who see silos filled with malt but cannot buy a single mash worth?

Is it about cornering the market? Is it about Dr. Cooper? Is it about science?

Perhaps it is about "kit producers" perhaps its because a love of brewing?

What I see is Ross has crossed the line on the basis of ethics on the Pro v Amatuer comps.

If he had any balls he would have "tackled" the Pro comp organisers, and not carpet-bombed the amateur comp.

Obviously the starter of this thread is not an amateur brewer. If he entered in the QAAWBG being a commercial brewer and was on the organising committe and won several prizes there are conflict issues and ethical problems.

What advantages do Pro v Amatuer have in homebrew comps?

I will let you answer the question!


Ha, have to giggle at that one. No I am not Ross incognito.
Ross isn't on the organising committee for the QAAWBG, but is a BABB Member and their club is a member of our club Guild.

I have now added both the fresh wort and commercial issues to the agenda in an email to all secretaries in the SE Qld area. The main issue will be the merging of the QABC and QAAWBG Competitions into one. All these issues will will have to be resolved by the end of the meeting.

At least now I am on here, it is good to see other perspectives.
Oh, and for the record, I am a 'Kit Master' now......!!!!!!! :)

OOH, and I'm up one more little keg now.......
Oh, and for the record, I am a 'Kit Master' now......!!!!!!! :)

OOH, and I'm up one more little keg now.......

I think that comes from all the double and triple posting. There are edit and delete buttons ;)
Oh, and for the record, I am a 'Kit Master' now......!!!!!!! :)

Just wondering did you use malt from Qld?

Perhaps your next kit will be banana and pineapple juice?

Perhaps peanut brew?

Dont you worry about that?


Might use a Quince too...

At this point I buy my malt from Brewer's Choice, so wherever he buys his supplies from.

If I make BBQ beer it is a kit usually, but show beers I make from the schedule and are mostly mashed.

Lemon and Lime Lagers go down very well in the heat of the Queensland summer.

Might use a Quince too...

At this point I buy my malt from Brewer's Choice, so wherever he buys his supplies from.


Great, if you can find out where those malts were grown it would be greatly appreciated by all in the forum.

There is nothing quite like fresh malt!

