Porter Grainbill

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Tim said:
Also try and use Cararoma as the dark crystal, it gives a nice plummy, raisony taste.

too right its my crystal of choice for porter just can't bring myself to use anything else, You do have to watch your malt balance though if you end up to thin and with not enough roasted malts and other malts to balance the cararoma the cararoma my stick out a little to much. For another crytsal i would use around 500g but cararoma i stick to 360g pretty much religousliy.

warrenlw63 said:

Maybe a combo of EKG & Willamette or Fuggles. Even contemplating Styrian Goldings.

Decisions, decisions. B)

Warren -

I did say earlier it has to be fuggles, no two ways about that. :p
Those hops would be just as great though.

SJW said:
I would like to know your thoughts, as i have never used Munich in anything other that Bocks & Oktoberfest's. ;)

Another thing i pretty much just do religousliy without a second thought is use at least 1 kg of munich in a porter.
The recipe looks good, i personally would half the chocolate malt, then it would look almost exactly how i would make a porter.
My last porter i used IMC munich as the base malt its nearly reached full attenuation and final reports aren't too far off.

cheers porter brewers.
hi jayse
as ive exhausted my pale base malt stock i read with interest that you have done a porter with munich as the base.ive still a reasonable amount of munich left so look forward to your tasting of your finished porter and how it stacks up against a pale malt based porter.
this may just get me by the deliriums of not being able to brew as often as i usually do.
lack of grain sucks.it hurts

big d
Hi bigd,
I think its more than ok to use the imc munich as the base for your porter and actually it will work extremely well.
It did a mild brown yesterday and did the same used the imc munich as the base malt, a stout will be next again with the imc munich.
have fun with it.
I have brewed 5 times in the last week and stocks are starting to look good. :chug: :chug:


Can you post your entire recipe into here? Would be nice to compare yours side by side with others.


PS Its not the recipe for the one that I didn't like was it :(
This recipe looks like it's coming on well, Great post Jayse regarding the cara Aroma.

You could have a close look at Northdown hop Plugs.. Stunning in Pale, yet to do a Dark with them, Anybody got any other experience with these hops?

Pedro said:

Can you post your entire recipe into here? Would be nice to compare yours side by side with others.


PS Its not the recipe for the one that I didn't like was it :(

Whats was wrong with that porter....oh yeah it tasted like malt vinegar...even i have been known to stuff up a porter...... and i will never live it down! <_<

This recipe looks like it's coming on well, Great post Jayse regarding the cara Aroma.

You could have a close look at Northdown hop Plugs.. Stunning in Pale, yet to do a Dark with them, Anybody got any other experience with these hops?


No experience as yet but they sure tasted and smelt very fine in the last brewshop brewday.
Straight of the bat i picked the northern brewer similarities.
Iam not sure what the A.A% is but for porter i follow what seems to be the ussuall thing to do and use the same low A.A hops for bittering as i would for finishing.
For stouts though thats when i would ussually use a higher alpha hop.
It just another thing i do religously without a second thought.
although i did use challenger the otherday because my hop pile is getting low.

heres a couple recipes.

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 7.05
Anticipated OG: 1.062 Plato: 15.23
Anticipated EBC: 54.9
Anticipated IBU: 36.5
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Pre-Boil Amounts

Evaporation Rate: 15.00 Percent Per Hour
Pre-Boil Wort Size: 32.26 L
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.048 SG 11.94 Plato


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
2.8 0.20 kg. Black Patent Malt America 233.89 1034
5.0 0.35 kg. Weyermann Caraaroma Germany 284.01 350
7.1 0.50 kg. TF Amber Malt UK 275.65 100
14.2 1.00 kg. IMC Munich Australia 317.42 12
70.9 5.00 kg. BB ale australia 318.45 6


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
42.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 6.00 31.2 60 min.
32.00 g. Fuggle Pellet 5.00 5.3 15 min.


WYeast 1098 British Ale

Mash Schedule




Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 6.30
Anticipated OG: 1.055 Plato: 13.57
Anticipated EBC: 52.5
Anticipated IBU: 35.8
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Pre-Boil Amounts

Evaporation Rate: 15.00 Percent Per Hour
Pre-Boil Wort Size: 32.26 L
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.043 SG 10.63 Plato


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
15.9 1.00 kg. IMC Munich Australia 317.42 12
3.2 0.20 kg. Black Malt Belgium 250.59 1182
75.4 4.75 kg. Pale Ale Malt (2-row) Australia 309.07 5
5.6 0.35 kg. Weyermann Caraaroma Germany 284.01 350

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
14.00 g. Fuggle Pellet 5.00 1.8 10 min.
42.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Plug 6.00 32.0 80 min.
14.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Plug 6.00 2.0 10 min.


WYeast 1028 London Ale

Mash Schedule


and another


Brew Type: All Grain Date: 3/26/2005
Style: Robust Porter Brewer: jayse
Batch Size: 25.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 33.60 L Boil Time: 90 min
Equipment: skunk fart brewery Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0 %
Taste Rating (50 possible points): 35.0

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
5.00 kg IMC Munich (12 EBC) Grain 87.4 %
0.36 kg Weyermann Caraaroma (351 EBC) Grain 6.3 %
0.23 kg JWM Roasted Malt (1200 EBC) Grain 4.0 %
0.13 kg TF Amber Malt (100 EBC) Grain 2.3 %
18.00 gm Challenger [7.5%] (60 min) Hops 16.1 IBU
30.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [4.5%] (60 min) Hops 16.1 IBU
30.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [4.5%] (10 min) Hops 3.2 IBU
1 Pkgs Northwest Ale (Wyeast Labs #1332) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.053 SG (1.050-1.065 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.016 SG (1.012-1.016 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.005 SG
Estimated Color: 60 EBC (59-118 EBC) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 35.5 IBU (25.0-45.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.4 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 4.9 % (4.8-6.0 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 0.6 %
Actual Calories per 12 oz: 32 cal

Mash Profile Name: Single Infusion, 67C

As you can see i do my porters all with several things all in common.
That is black patent and cararoma, it has to be ale malt i believe although iam sure you could make a nice beer with pils malt you couldn't make these beers with pils malt though.

Hey hey what can i do!
All of my love
Thanks again for the tips on the Porter Jayse. You were spot on the money in regards to robusting it up. :)

Quick update. I kegged it on Friday night. All I can say is I could have drunk the lot before carbonating. Very nice indeed even if I do say so myself.

Piles of roast up front with the Marris Otter providing a very nice foundation/balance. It craps on local ale malts in this regard.

Most dark beers I've made in the past with Joe White's trad. ale malt seem to let the roast take over and make the malt/body very thin.

However MO stands up beautifully in these type of beers. It leaves a residual flavour that everybody who's used the stuff can attest to.

I primed each keg with 100g of dark brown sugar. Should be ready in time for the FA cup final.

Warren -
Hi Warren,
Thanx for the update, i have a fermentor full of porter ready to be kegged hiding in the back of the cool room which might find its way to a keg today.
I haven't found the JWM trad malt to be that inferior and actually find it quite robust which is clearly not the results you have found anyway glad to hear the porter came up lovely.

If i manage to keg IMC munich malt porter this afternoon i'll post some intial thoughts, so far it is quite different to most i have done and you can pick the cararoma, i don't know if its just my tastes getting better or not but ussually with porters based around similar recipes i can't pick the cararoma really at all.
The munich malt didn't leave it as richly malty as expected either but all up it is one damn great beer.
First time using wyeast northwest ale has been a roaring sucsess aswell.

Anyway have a jolly good afternoon chaps.

Celebration Day

Mine is MO and also has 2kg of JW Dark Munich. The Fawcett's amber really shines too.

Not slagging local malts completely per se. Just nice to be a bit of a beer snob occasionally and use MO. I just prefer it in darker ales. That said I probably use local malts more frequently.

For bitters and paler beers the local stuff stands up just as well IMO. Especially when paired up with British crystal malts.

I've only ever used CaraAroma in Belgian beers. In this capacity it stands out likes dog's balls. Very raisin-like. Combined with darker sugar it's extremely rum and raisin like. In higher grav Belgians it's totally in it's element. :super:

However in a Porter it may be more difficult to detect due to the competing darker malts and extra hopping levels.

Warren -
What type of IBU'S do u normally aim for? I just bottled a great brew but I fear it is a bit too bitter. On checking Beersmith I reckon I hit about 40 IBU. But with a FG of 1020 its a big one.

Porter is 37 IBU.

Hopped with Target and a small amount of Amarillo 20 mins. from flameout.

Didn't taste overhopped (though well-hopped) at these rates because there's a fair amount of spec. malts to back it up.

FG was 1.014

This is grainbill,

5kg Marris Otter 53.2%
2kg JW Dark Munich 21.3%
700g TF Crystal 120-140EBC 7.4%
700g TF Pale Choc 7.4%
700g TF Amber 7.4%
300g TF Brown 3.2%

Hop additions IIRC were 40g Target @ 10% AA for 60mins. 15g Amaraillo @8%AAU for 20 mins. and 15g Target for 5 mins.

Warren -
I am beginning to think that amber is an unjustly overlooked malt, and have made a few brews now using it, very nice.

Jovial Monk
Yep too right JM,

It's always a malt that's most detectable in a beer.

Very distinctive flavour that only gets better with age. Fawcett's is nice but IMO Baird's used to be even nicer. Alas it doesn't seem to be available any more. Not that I can find anyway. :super:

Warren -
warrenlw63 said:
However in a Porter it may be more difficult to detect due to the competing darker malts....


Yes ussually the cararoma is balanced well in a porter if its not then it doesn't really fit the title porter aswell as it should.
great malt to use in robust porter but I take great care as not to overdo it.

SJW said:
What type of IBU'S do u normally aim for? I just bottled a great brew but I fear it is a bit too bitter. On checking Beersmith I reckon I hit about 40 IBU. But with a FG of 1020 its a big one.


I stick for around 35-40ibu, ussually in my porters you can hardly pick hop flavour at all and the bitterness is more so balancing than standing out at all. I also aim for a FG of closer to 1.015 because porters although some times are refered to as full bodied i don't think it needs to be or should be full bodied but rather it should finish reasonbly dry.

Bron-y-aur stomp
jayse said:
you can hardly pick hop flavour at all and the bitterness is more so balancing than standing out at all. I also aim for a FG of closer to 1.015 because porters although some times are refered to as full bodied i don't think it needs to be or should be full bodied but rather it should finish reasonbly dry.

Bron-y-aur stomp

Try late hopping with Target. :D This hop personifies "robust"

Boogie with Stu :lol:

Warren -
Hi Ray,
Thanx for posting your award winning brew. Iam just looking at the amount of crystal malt and the phase 'holly crystal malt batman' comes to mind, is that correct 1.5kg of crystal malt in all?

It is a lot of crystal and would be the biggest amount I have ever put in a batch. Because its a dark beer not all the sweetness comes through. Its one of those beers you have to make to find out.
Ray_Mills said:

>Its one of those beers you have to make to find out.


Good evening Ray.
Yeap thats what i figured. :blink:
Iam the first to admit I'am a little scared to come outside the little square box I live in. :ph34r:
But everytime I do venture out side the box on good advice I haven't been let down yet. :super:
However 1.5kg of crystal has still got me curled up in the corner of my box. :eek:

Houses of the holy

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