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Bridges said:
His 12 point contract tells me zero. Would also love to know which of these vague statements are core and non core promises.
Does not matter, politicians and their parties are not held accountable for their promises. When they get in they will just say " Oh, things are a lot worse than labor have let on and we now can't keep those promises!"
Also now that the leader of the opposition has entered a verbal contract with the people of Australia, could people sue him for breaching this contract? Although to be a valid contract both parties must benefit, so its not a contract for all?
It's why you get a chance to vote them out every 3 years.
Abbott will be ****** with a hostile senate so it could be mid next year
Gina won't directly impact our lives, but rolling back the mining tax pleases who? When the money that the mining tax contributes to the economy is gone where will Abbott and Hockey make it back? The total revenue in 2012 for BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Woodside Petroleum, Newcrest and Xstrata was A$167.23 billion. The total Federal Government budget was around A$330 billion. Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting alone made a $1.2 billion net profit last year. The tax only hits companies after they make $50mill in profit on coal and iron ore, and some of the big miners have made a 40% return on their investment. A 20% or 15% return still means you are running a very successful business. I can't see how rolling back a fair tax, on not big but MASSIVE business, can somehow be sold as a good thing to mum and dad in the burbs? Yep mining contributes greatly to the Australian economy but this mining tax won't see them packing up and leaving they are still making way to much money for that.
And here I was trying so hard to stay away from this thread.
Rant over.
Liam_snorkel said:
here's hoping Abbott will not last more than a term and his pissant attitude toward science will be his undoing.

It's common sense that we should pumping less **** into the air we breathe, but lets face it. The man in the street couldn't pick a prominent climate scientists from a line up if his life depended on it. Actually, they'd probably point at Al Gore.
The science has long been left behind in the wake of politically influenced meta analysis rhetoric.

Presuming we can manipulate global numbers down to single digit accuracy seems equally ludicrous.

Anyway, the Andromeda galaxy will collide with the Milky way in about 4 billion years so we're ****** no matter what.

Nice design God..
Well, that convinced me never to trust a left wing greenie tree hugging socialist anti-religion politically correct gay website designer again.

I vote for the More Homebrewed Beer Party.
I vote for the 'stop the single issues parties' party.

People still believing the spin about bad economic management despite just about anyone else in the world who knows anything about such things asserting the contrary?

You will get the government you deserve. Unfortunately so will I.
speaking of ol mate Clive, I am absolutely convinced he is in it just for a good time. His policy statements are along the line of: "I'm going to halve income tax for all Australians" and "I'm talking about a revolution!".

and this, which is legitimately great:
