Plate Chiller With Pellet Hops

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10L/min? :eek:

I run my wort thru a 20 plate chiller and in 10 mins i get a wort temp of 20-22C - flow rate approx 2L/min.

really :huh: I wonder what is going on there then? What would be the temp of your cooling water Doctor?


At the minute its a few degrees above freezing :D or at least thats what it feels like if i jump in the shower to quickly!

I reckon its around 15-16C at this time of the year, 20+ in summer and i hit 28C with similar flow rates. By the time i let the cold break settle and then transfer to another fermenter and aerate its usually around 22 before it hits the fermenting fridge.
I did an all pellet brew with my SS ball pickup screen, to MKIII ChillOut. Not a problem. Pics here.

Have done about a 1/2 dozen batches now with the Chillout and never noticed any hop debris on back flush. I backflush for 30 seconds or so, flush forward for another 30, and it goes into a bucket of dilluted Iodophor. I rotate it in each direction to release any trapped air pockets.. leave it overnight where I drain and store for next usage. I repeat this process before each use.

Basically I filter it. My pick-up tube runs from dead center bottom of my converted keg kettle and sucks up every last drop and all the gunge thats in the kettle - then it goes through a standard 10inch filter housing with an old beer filter cartridge in it (not good enough for yeast any more but fine for this) so what gets to the kettle is basically clear as could be. As a bonus I can use the filter and housing as an actual hop back and put my aroma addition in it instead of the kettle. This seems to work well.


I like your idea of filtering the wort.

Did you have any problems (leaks, heat cracks) with the filter/filter housing when running boiling/hot wort through it? And do you know if the filter & housing is rated for hot temps?

I use an immersion chiller and was thinking of doing the same, except that as the hot wort is being pumped through the filter housing with a march pump, it will be redirected back into the kettle to produce a whirlpool primarily to facilitate quicker wort chilling (an added bonus if the whirlpool creates a hop cone from the remaining kettle hops that aren't filtered out). As this is happening I'll also be running ice water through the immersion chiller.

My concern here though is that the hot wort will leach plastics from the filter & housing.

Basically I filter it. My pick-up tube runs from dead center bottom of my converted keg kettle and sucks up every last drop and all the gunge thats in the kettle - then it goes through a standard 10inch filter housing with an old beer filter cartridge in it (not good enough for yeast any more but fine for this) so what gets to the kettle is basically clear as could be. As a bonus I can use the filter and housing as an actual hop back and put my aroma addition in it instead of the kettle. This seems to work well.

Several brews into this method, it is working well simply by gravity, although the last brew was an APA with a lot of hop matter and 45g of pellets stuffed directly into the filter cartridge... this was asking a bit too much and the last 5L or so had to be pushed through with the March pump.

Very interesting, I rigged up my filter with silicon tubing in anticipation of doing something like this (I think I saw Doc with a similar setup sometime back) and have never got around to it (this filter get used during kegging/bottling still). Might just give it a go at some stage.
I use pellets, plate chiller and a hop sock.

Me 2 love the sock

I have been chilling again as of the last few brews, because of this I have gone back to using my hop sock. I can't believe the hop flavour/bitterness I'm loosing since using the sock again. The difference is incredible, using the sock is like using stale hops !
I have posted this before and others disagree, I find it hard to believe you can't notice.
I will either make a filter screen or filter my wort in future....let the hops run free !!

I have been chilling again as of the last few brews, because of this I have gone back to using my hop sock. I can't believe the hop flavour/bitterness I'm loosing since using the sock again. The difference is incredible, using the sock is like using stale hops !
I have posted this before and others disagree, I find it hard to believe you can't notice.
I will either make a filter screen or filter my wort in future....let the hops run free !!


I get better results now I use hop bags Batz, obviously not as good as letting them roam free but 3 bags in the boil seems to roll around pretty well.

I have been chilling again as of the last few brews, because of this I have gone back to using my hop sock. I can't believe the hop flavour/bitterness I'm loosing since using the sock again. The difference is incredible, using the sock is like using stale hops !
I have posted this before and others disagree, I find it hard to believe you can't notice.
I will either make a filter screen or filter my wort in future....let the hops run free !!

Hmmmm, now that is something I've been a bit worried about. I'll be trying that with my next brew, if only to put my own mind at ease that is! LOL

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