From what I can tell it looks like they have some kind of RIMS style kettle heating going on. So they start with water in the keg, grain in the tray, recirculate these for the mash. Then some valve will stop the recirc going thru the mash and redirect it back to the kettle(keg). Though I don't see if there is another container where the hops get dumped, where wort passes thru, could be one behind the malt tray. So it recircs the keg with the RIMS element long enough for their "boil" which they say is less than a boil temperature wise, but they seem to think it works fine. If you liked this sort of thing one could make a version pretty easily I reckon, with the recirculating keg thing going on - looks like most of the work is in the 'automation' side of things, rather than the brewery itself.
Depends how much you want to spend to avoid turning some ball valves, and dumping some hops at various intervals,.