A lot of the fault, at least at my workplace is very few are interested in proper training of new colleagues. Whether it's an unwillingness to skill share or just laziness, I'm not sure but if I work with people or manage people, I want to know they can do the job I send them to do without looking over their shoulder or having to check and maybe redo their work.
At the end of the day, having skilled competent colleagues/staff makes my job easier, the competent interested people find work more rewarding and give more and hell - I just like watching people learn and improve.
Forgetting the OHS system for a moment - take the time to instruct noobs. **** off the disinterested, unmotivated ones, invest in those who really want to learn and make them care about their safety and the safety of others. We can't control the bureaucracy but we can control our immediate environment.
At the moment, I'm insisting that the lady responsible for paper/database tracking of collection material learns how to drive a forklift, cut wood using power saws, handle art/collection material and develops good packing skills. She loves it (her job would be dull if the traditional sit in front of a computer thing was all she did), it helps me as we have a very small team and a lot of work and above all - **** gets done, no-one cuts their hand off, or hot glues their belly button or drives a forklift into the wall or a 2000 year old pre-columbian stone head. Everyone wins.