Pauline on Q&A

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That's less than 5 people think she's smart.

To be honest, the success of people like hanson and Lambie is based a lot on the impression of 'straight talking' vs slimy, weasly doublethink sir humphrey type bullshit from our high level politicians shares a large portion of blame.
Shit goes in circles mate.
Every time it finally flushes away in the pipes, another arsehole lays the next turd.
Liam_snorkel said:
Well...we can blame Liberal for the mess we are in...

Its not like the LNP can go "Its all Labors fault" now... B)
I don't like Libs but blame goes further.
can blame labor for having shit leadership and average policies too. If they were amazing, everyone might have actually voted for them.
Last amazing Labour PM was sacked in 1975. The bar was set much lower after that.

Edited PM instead of Leader
manticle said:
I don't like Libs but blame goes further.
can blame labor for having shit leadership and average policies too. If they were amazing, everyone might have actually voted for them.
I think that just shows the state of politics at the moment... both sides have been very unimpressive and the voters just had enough....and you cant blame them either
manticle said:
Hawke and keating had more moments than any current mob too.
Well they actually did some good things, there was pain involved but we have things to thank them for now
Liam_snorkel said:
what the f*

the second guy (Ray Harvey) is (I'm assuming) married to someone who is of non-white decent, and therefore likely an immigrant to this country at some stage (seperate to the rest of us *white* immigrants)

The same kind that Pauline was complaining about a decade ago regarding asian immigrants

Talk about completely moronic standards

(reading the rest of the article, his wife came from China in the 1990s... the exact time when Pauline was complaining about another group of immigrants)
No argument from me DBS.
Get a bit surprised at common accusations at greens for being lunatics (free dental care anyone? yes we've costed it) when the mainstream parties have abetz and bernardi on side and ON have several reps.
manticle said:
Hawke and keating had more moments than any current mob too.
By that reckoning Malcolm Fraser ran rings around the current Labour mob too.
I was nearly going to write something complimentary about John Winston until I started losing the will to breathe any more...