Noob What Craps On A Bit
Do you like late nights? Love being the host of the party? Don't mind putting the ********* back in their jocks (in their proper place)? Into creating a good scene for good things to happen? Don't mind a bit of vomit? Don't mind huge staff turnover? Have a totally awesome business partner? If you have a spouse is she into the idea too? Don't mind that your business is helping provide alcoholics with the means of their own destruction?
Those are a few things that come to mind from my experience. It can be really fun. It can be trying, but then what business can't be? I haven't owned, have only managed. You'll need to learn cash flow accounting so you have a fighting chance. The cash flow issues kill a lot of independent pubs.
Those are a few things that come to mind from my experience. It can be really fun. It can be trying, but then what business can't be? I haven't owned, have only managed. You'll need to learn cash flow accounting so you have a fighting chance. The cash flow issues kill a lot of independent pubs.