Oh Yeah, 1st Ag

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Hi all

this is my 1st post on AHB, about my 1st AG!

I have been lurking on this forum for about 10 months, but haven't needed to post yet, as just about everything i have needed to know about brewing can be easily found on this forum!

I started brewing about 12 months ago, and have gone from kit & kilo, to kits & bits, to extract, and finally, to the holy grail of all grain, since then.

the main thing i wanted to say was that ag is the way to go. i've only done one so far, and as can be expected, not everything goes to plan. I didn't quite reach my target OG, and was a bit worried all the way to the keg, but OMG, the malt aroma & flavour I got from my 1st batch of all grain beer was unreal! no more extract for me. Thanks to all the useful info i have learned from this forum (all you have to do is search)!

Yes, I have a long way to go, but I just want to encourage everyone that is procrastinating about going ag (like i did), just give it a go, its easier than you think.

Hi all

this is my 1st post on AHB, about my 1st AG!

I have been lurking on this forum for about 10 months, but haven't needed to post yet, as just about everything i have needed to know about brewing can be easily found on this forum!

I started brewing about 12 months ago, and have gone from kit & kilo, to kits & bits, to extract, and finally, to the holy grail of all grain, since then.

the main thing i wanted to say was that ag is the way to go. i've only done one so far, and as can be expected, not everything goes to plan. I didn't quite reach my target OG, and was a bit worried all the way to the keg, but OMG, the malt aroma & flavour I got from my 1st batch of all grain beer was unreal! no more extract for me. Thanks to all the useful info i have learned from this forum (all you have to do is search)!

Yes, I have a long way to go, but I just want to encourage everyone that is procrastinating about going ag (like i did), just give it a go, its easier than you think.


I know how you feel mate :D and only been brewing since Sept '09 I missed my OG target but that was totally my fault as I didn't add the correct details in to beersmith.
About time! :rolleyes: Shhhesh!

Welcome to the Brewhood.

So how about some information and pictures of your rig. Maybe some recipe details?

Good news is there are a few brewers I know on here are from the New England. Might be high time to band together for a brew day fella's?

Chap Chap

EDIT: Well done BTW! AG is an addictive little beast ^_^
Hi all

this is my 1st post on AHB, about my 1st AG!

I have been lurking on this forum for about 10 months, but haven't needed to post yet, as just about everything i have needed to know about brewing can be easily found on this forum!

the main thing i wanted to say was that ag is the way to go. i've only done one so far, and as can be expected, not everything goes to plan. I didn't quite reach my target OG, and was a bit worried all the way to the keg, but OMG, the malt aroma & flavour I got from my 1st batch of all grain beer was unreal.!

Thanks to all the useful info i have learned from this forum (all you have to do is search)!

Yes, I have a long way to go, but I just want to encourage everyone that is procrastinating about going ag (like i did), just give it a go, its easier than you think.


Congratulations Chris ,, and well done on the research and development .... no looking back now ,, you'll be selling your first born to upgrade your system / get more bling haha ...
To go all the way,, not just brew AG but drink it befor posting is great , double congrats buddy ....

Welcome to the dark side B) and you'll never go back. Due to uncertainty about an overseas trip I stopped brewing for about six weeks and nearly ran out, so when I got back into it I did an all extract brew as a quick keg filler.

Oh dear :(

Yup you've been bitten by the bug mate :beerbang:
the main thing i wanted to say was that ag is the way to go.

What, there's another way to brew beer apart from AG? Yep I wen't about the same path as you and there is no looking back. COngrats on the first AG and start posting some pic's and info.

Due to uncertainty about an overseas trip I stopped brewing for about six weeks and nearly ran out, so when I got back into it I did an all extract brew as a quick keg filler.

Shame on you BrigieG! Your penance should be to drink it all in one sitting. Gee a AG keg filler ain't all that hard.

Yes, I have a long way to go, but I just want to encourage everyone that is procrastinating about going ag (like i did), just give it a go, its easier than you think.


I like that you think 12 months is procrastinating. Some people take years; some people never go there at all. Congratulations on the move and as chappo said, definitely post some pictures.
I like that you think 12 months is procrastinating. Some people take years; some people never go there at all.

How true.
I have a mate that has been brewing for 3+ yrs and he will only do kits, he has never even tried spec grains.
Also because the kit manufactures say 18-27c is good range to brew in he doesn't bother with temp control.
I've tried telling him, pointed him here and a few other places but he still thinks his way is the best.

edit for crazy formatting
How true.
I have a mate that has been brewing for 3+ yrs and he will only do kits, he has never even tried spec grains.
Also because the kit manufactures say 18-27c is good range to brew in he doesn't bother with temp control.
I've tried telling him, pointed him here and a few other places but he still thinks his way is the best.

edit for crazy formatting
Hell, I have an uncle who has been brewing for 35 years, always the farmland lager can and a kilo or so of white sugar. He drinks it, and reckons it is good, and he is still using the same pickaxe longnecks he started with. Goes nuts if he loses one. :lol:
Each to there own I guess.
nice to see another brewer step up and experience the fun of AG brewing. I enjoy the technique (note to self - dont wear thongs when butters visits on a brewday)

to add to a couple of other posters........
an unnamed relative of mine used to brew. Said relative now takes the lazy option and buys cans of swill. He managed to aquired some 50l kegs and set up a fridge with a tap. His recipe was 2 coopers cans and a bag of sugar. Apparently, a bag of white sugar was enough to ferment with a little left over for priming the keg. - Quality product :ph34r:
thanks guys, yes i have been bitten (just ask the wife :rolleyes: )

So how about some information and pictures of your rig. Maybe some recipe details?

I guess i probably should post some details hey... forgot about that last night (blame the damn AG beer that i seem to have to keep sampling!) :wacko:

for my first brew i wanted to keep it really simple, so i could get a better understanding of the actual difference that AG makes, compared with extract. In order to do this i made the malt bill nearly all base malt, and kept the hopping low.

here's what i did -

4.5 kg JW pilsener malt
0.1 kg carapils - (because i already had some)
0.1 kg bb caramalt - (to add a bit of flavour)
0.02 kg bairds choc malt - (hey, why not, maybe it will help balance the ph)
25g saaz FWH
20g saaz @ 60min
mash @ 65c for one hour

I ended up with 18L @ 1.042 into my cube. I was aiming for 20L @ 1.048ish, so not quite there, but not too bad for a test run.

pitched a 1.5L starter of Wyeast british ale II, & fermented @ 18c for 2 weeks & got a FG 1.008

I ended up with a beer that is dry & malty, not really bitter or hoppy enough (as per plan) but has given me a good starting point.
IMO the difference between this and extract is unbelievable.

my brew gear ( which i'll try to post some pics of tomorrow), consists of a 50L twin kettle elment HLT, a 50L mash tun with a homemade false bottom, and a 50L gas fired kettle - all kegs.
I'm going back to kits, caster sugar and a heat belt. I'm sending you a whole case.
Great work. :beer: As many have said- It is very hard to go back.
+1 for Chappo's "Pics please". Show us your rig mate.

Be prepared for obsession (I guess 1 year of planning is pretty close to that) and some bloody byoodiful beers...

Edit- added some extra drunken bullshit :)
ok, here is my setup.

I am planning on making a stand to mount it all on, but that will come. The main thing is that I can make beer! :beerbang:

Mash Tun - turned a keg upside down & cut a hole, then used the cut out piece for a false bottom

False Bottom - slotts were cut with a 1mm disc

this is the outlet at the bottom of the mash tun - the false bottom bolts to a plate that i welded to the inside of the tun

bottom of the mash tun - I welded a 1/2" socket into the original fitting that screws into the top of the keg

mash tun gravity feeds my gas fired kettle.
kettle is just heated by an old 2 ring burner that I hooked up to an adjustable regulator(from my Oxy/LPG set)
Has more than enough grunt to keep a rolling boil

Electric HLT - bought 2 kettles from BigW for $10 ea, cut 2 holes & away we go.
I connect 1 throught my Tempmate, and the other direct. when I get close to strike temp I switch off the direct element (which is only there to shorten heating time), & the single element connected through the tempmate holds the correct temp nicely.
Tempmate probe is fed into a copper tube that i simply place in the tank through the top opening.


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Blimey that makes my first AG rig look sh*t house!

I used a converted Rubbermaid rectangle cooler (with wheels to go faster) and a braided hose. That feeds the kettle via some tubing and plastic valve from the gardening department at bunnings. Then I heave the kettle onto my BBQ, which has the various plates removed so it is sitting on the burners directly, then I fire it up and away we go. For chilling I used an IC fed by a pre-chiller made with soft coil copper sittingin an ice bucket.

I went for a slightly bigger beer to kick off the AG obsession, so it will be some time before I get a sample.

My recipe was

5.2kG Maris Otter
0.3kg Caramalt
0.3kg Biscuit
0.3kg Wheat
0.6kg Demerera

90min mash at 66oC
90min boil with

80g Northdown (7%AA) @ 60
15g Fuggles (4%AA) @ 60
25g Fuggles @ 20 with whirfloc
25g Fuggles @ 5
25g Fuggles planned for dry-hop in about a weeks time


Should get around 8%.

Apologies to the OP for hijacking the thread, just felt like sharing with another AG virgin.