Obama Ale

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Hmmm. I've got a beer - now peanuts, popcorn or pork scratchings?????
The effort to quickly find a few pics of Bush, The Mad Monk, and Gillard to present a united "we're not racist we take the piss out of anyone and everyone" .... 8/10. Pat yourselves on your hairy white backs though; It was a good effort, but just felt a little desperate. Sometimes it's better to be honest of who you really are, rather than shrinking away from reality.

From the perspective of a fairly left leaning, very anti racist, punk/industrial fan with a variety of cultures in my partner's background and my own racial background unknown: I think you may have overreacted.

I also am fairly convinced you are not speedie, so I'm not sure why that reference came into play.

Chill mate.

This is a forum made up of a variety of personality types. There are some bigots here but you can't dismiss the whole community because of that. I don't believe Nick B posting a badly photoshopped image of Obama makes him an enemy or a murdoch stool pigeon.
Certainly hasn't struck me as one and my post was not suggesting he is one.

He seems like a guy who enjoys brewing and that's about all I can say I know about him. I like that in a person.
Well thats about the most racist thing I've seen posted here for a while, don't like Aussies then? You could always go home.

+ 1 Batz, and I hope he doesn't let the gate hit him in the arse on the way out.

+ 1 Batz, and I hope he doesn't let the gate hit him in the arse on the way out.


thats the whole friggin problem...there is no gate, just a revolving door....and a PM with no balls---except Ruddies on the mantle piece.ha ha
I'm about as anti-racist as they come. Will cease the troll-baiting now. Carry on.
The problem with Ralph magazine et al is that they talk down to their "viewership". I've only ever glanced at these rags while waiting for the dentist or in line at a servo, etc (honest), but it seems to be the same fodder over and over. They must have maybe 30 articles (max) that they repeat on a 3-year cycle and just update the "models" and change a few of the words. Also, I feel sorry for the partners of people who read this s*** regularly, especially if it leads to pathetic three-some pestering. [I think I must have seen the "how to talk your girlfriend into a 3 some" article at least 8 times over the years.]

Gee, I don't want to start giving relationship advice, but maybe some of you (real aussie) blokes should spend less time hanging out in the garage with your dumb mates, with pics from these silly mags plastered all over the walls, drinking piss (that'll never be as good as the stuff the award-winning Speedie brews), and take her out to a nice restaurant or something....just saying.
The problem with Ralph magazine et al is that they talk down to their "viewership". I've only ever glanced at these rags while waiting for the dentist or in line at a servo, etc (honest), but it seems to be the same fodder over and over. They must have maybe 30 articles (max) that they repeat on a 3-year cycle and just update the "models" and change a few of the words. Also, I feel sorry for the partners of people who read this s*** regularly, especially if it leads to pathetic three-some pestering. [I think I must have seen the "how to talk your girlfriend into a 3 some" article at least 8 times over the years.]

Gee, I don't want to start giving relationship advice, but maybe some of you (real aussie) blokes should spend less time hanging out in the garage with your dumb mates, with pics from these silly mags plastered all over the walls, drinking piss (that'll never be as good as the stuff the award-winning Speedie brews), and take her out to a nice restaurant or something....just saying.

It sounds like you enjoy the sound of your own voice.
The problem with Ralph magazine et al is that they talk down to their "viewership". I've only ever glanced at these rags while waiting for the dentist or in line at a servo, etc (honest), but it seems to be the same fodder over and over. They must have maybe 30 articles (max) that they repeat on a 3-year cycle and just update the "models" and change a few of the words. Also, I feel sorry for the partners of people who read this s*** regularly, especially if it leads to pathetic three-some pestering. [I think I must have seen the "how to talk your girlfriend into a 3 some" article at least 8 times over the years.]

Gee, I don't want to start giving relationship advice, but maybe some of you (real aussie) blokes should spend less time hanging out in the garage with your dumb mates, with pics from these silly mags plastered all over the walls, drinking piss (that'll never be as good as the stuff the award-winning Speedie brews), and take her out to a nice restaurant or something....just saying.


fail troll is fail.

just so you know, trying to get a reaction by making an 'inflamatory' remark about a topic hitherto unmentioned in a thread is really, reeeeaaally bad trolling...
The problem with Ralph magazine et al is that they talk down to their "viewership". I've only ever glanced at these rags while waiting for the dentist or in line at a servo, etc (honest), but it seems to be the same fodder over and over. They must have maybe 30 articles (max) that they repeat on a 3-year cycle and just update the "models" and change a few of the words. Also, I feel sorry for the partners of people who read this s*** regularly, especially if it leads to pathetic three-some pestering. [I think I must have seen the "how to talk your girlfriend into a 3 some" article at least 8 times over the years.]

Gee, I don't want to start giving relationship advice, but maybe some of you (real aussie) blokes should spend less time hanging out in the garage with your dumb mates, with pics from these silly mags plastered all over the walls, drinking piss (that'll never be as good as the stuff the award-winning Speedie brews), and take her out to a nice restaurant or something....just saying.

I saw the video you produced.

I hope you don't mind if I share it with my slovenly, misogynistic brethren that we may be enlightened.

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