For christ sake...I posted a link because I thought you idiots might actually learn something. Just go back to your insular white pathetic pawns for the Capitalist ******s at the top [ironically the same pricks who are responsible for all the **** over-priced beer in Oz.) And, btw, whateveryournameis (I couldn't care) who posted several pointless posts back, I was going to use the word 'misogynistic' to describe your 'treated women as meat' ramblings. However I thought I might get a Pauline Hanson-like "please explain" response. And look, just because I occasionally say things like '...award winning brewer, Speedie' doesn't automatically make me a troll. What the hell did Speedie do anyways? (He always struck me as a misunderstood genius.)
I'm outta here...mostly because I'm bored shitless. I suggest you all have a party to celebrate.
And you guys really should all get together and start up a graphic design business of some sort. The talent here is phenomenal and I feel your (collective) talents are going to waste.