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The effort to quickly find a few pics of Bush, The Mad Monk, and Gillard to present a united "we're not racist we take the piss out of anyone and everyone" .... 8/10. Pat yourselves on your hairy white backs though; It was a good effort, but just felt a little desperate. Sometimes it's better to be honest of who you really are, rather than shrinking away from reality.

Wow, good to see you know so much about me, mate.

Phew, thank the FSM you're around to show everyone here that I am one of the 'white f-wits who spread this **** on the Internet'.

Seriously, you have been reported. Take your **** elsewhere, Mr Speedie....

Edit: And on your quote from above, you should seek support groups for internet 'Trolls and Generally Moronic People'. They are around, and full of 'well educated and lateral thinking people' such as yourself.


Edit2: Would the Murdoch Press approve of your term 'The Mad Monk'. I think not. Mind you, they're too concerned with the 'TAX THAT WILL KILLLLL USSSS ALLLLL AND OUR MAN-U-FRACTUING SECTORRRR'.

Edit3: Sorry for the slow responses. I'm being distracted by the footy, and this amazing, weird, crazy shiny thing..... Ooooohhh, shiiinnnyyyy.
It is odd how Speedie and I are never seen in the same place at the same time. People comment on this all the time.
Speedie though is an award winning brewer, so I can see how people might confuse us. But no, I'm much more an 'novice brewer'. I'm here to learn. Thought it might me more beer-related, than the regurgitation of Fox/Republican/Glen Beck racist fodder. But, hey, keep the lessons coming. Learning heaps anyways.

Does this now mean, now that I've been REPORTED [Last time that happened was High School, 1986] you'll now ban me from this site? Oh please pretty please....

(me keeps posting just to see if a ban has taken effect...)
I was going to REPORT you Nick also. But then I noted that you're from Tasmania and decided to take pity on you.


Gee Irish won eh : )
For Christs sake, I'VE BEEN REPORTED WHEN IS THIS STUPID BAN GOING TO TAKE AFFECT? I thought Speedie said something about certain people from a certain forum being soft....like the Wallabies. Now everyone, let's get this ban happening. Everyone, chanting together, one, two three:

ban lob
ban lob
ban this troll - who could be speedie but we're really not sure
ban lob NOW
ban lob
ban lob
ban lob now

got to admit, even though it might be considered a little cold and clinical in it's delivery of "mob-forum-justice", it could be the best thing if ever written! Damn it.

(repeat x1000 until blue and you pass out. Don't worry I'll call the doctor. Promise.)
Ah. Ahaha. Ahahahahahahahahaha. Ha. Hah.

Thanks for the laugh, mate. Go on, report me for Troll abuse, Speedie, you award winning brewer you.

Love from Nick, the Award Winning Brewer too.


Edit: ****, just notice you're from Canberra. My sincerest condolences.
Not I. Just hunting Trolls. ;)
It is odd how Speedie and I are never seen in the same place at the same time. People comment on this all the time.
Speedie though is an award winning brewer, so I can see how people might confuse us. But no, I'm much more an 'novice brewer'. I'm here to learn. Thought it might me more beer-related, than the regurgitation of Fox/Republican/Glen Beck racist fodder. But, hey, keep the lessons coming. Learning heaps anyways.

Does this now mean, now that I've been REPORTED [Last time that happened was High School, 1986] you'll now ban me from this site? Oh please pretty please....

(me keeps posting just to see if a ban has taken effect...)

you're just a cock, that's all
It is odd how Speedie and I are never seen in the same place at the same time. People comment on this all the time.
Speedie though is an award winning brewer, so I can see how people might confuse us. But no, I'm much more an 'novice brewer'. I'm here to learn. Thought it might me more beer-related, than the regurgitation of Fox/Republican/Glen Beck racist fodder. But, hey, keep the lessons coming. Learning heaps anyways.

Does this now mean, now that I've been REPORTED [Last time that happened was High School, 1986] you'll now ban me from this site? Oh please pretty please....

(me keeps posting just to see if a ban has taken effect...)

you're just a cock, that's all

There's no hate like liberal hate.
How do you manage to type while that tinfoil hat keeps slipping down over your sloping forehead?
Hi, I live in the states.

The polarization is getting so thick in this country it is frightening. the liberals are tired of being called morons and are shoring up their own party lines. before they were willing to work somewhat with others. The conservatives thinking that our last congressional election was mandate of the people to create an "Old West" economy where if you can't survive on your own...well hurry up and die.

I'm a die-hard centrist and I'm afraid that our congress wont get anything done and run us down the crapper. It's frigging bleak.
This threads just feels lacking... its missing something... a swastika maybe??

To think it would have been filled with flowers and hugs if we were all either muslim or catholic.


p.s. i like black/dark/midnight/yellow/beige/white/creamy/redneck people too

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