Not Scared Of Many Things...

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When I was in the middle east I was deathly afraid of coming in contact with one of these suckers

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just looking at them gives me the shivers.


Browndog (not talking about the yanks har har)

Good grief I have seen hundreds of Camel Spiders or Wind Scorpians is the other common name. Never seen anything like that size must have been imported from Texas where everything is 10x bigger. :unsure:

Quote with picture "In fact, the picture of the soldier holding the camel spider is really a picture of two camel spiders attached to one another and held out in front of the soldier to make it appear larger than it really is!"
When I was in the middle east I was deathly afraid of coming in contact with one of these suckers


just looking at them gives me the shivers.


Browndog (not talking about the yanks har har)
Wikipedia link - Camel spiders


While the absence of venom in Solifugae was long thought a fact,[3] there is a single published study of one species, Rhagodes nigrocinctus, carried out in India in 1978 by a pair of researchers who did histological preparations of the chelicerae, and found what they believed to be epidermal glands.[7] Extracts from these glands were then injected into lizards, where it induced paralysis in 7 out of 10 tests. While this study has never been confirmed, and while other researchers have been unable to locate similar glands in other species, this particular species does appear to possess venom, although it is not known if there is any mechanism for introducing it into prey.

I think I'll sleep pretty well at night knowing this. This, on the other hand does keep me up at night :D
these things do it for me rain moth we get these after rain sometimes and when they are in full season i like to take holidays from owrk cause the guys put them everywhere in my locker in my boots, im not scared like there going to hurt me but if i tred on one i will start chucking
I'm in Zebba's boat - full tilt, scream like a girl and run away from anything even vaguely resembling a spider Arachnophobe. Have a little trouble with crabs, just cause they look a bit like spiders.

So much so that i cant watch film of a spider on the telly, i had to scroll quickly past the pictures of spiders you guys posted without looking - i once exited a car going at 50kms an hour because i pulled down the sunshade and there was a huntsman behind it. Luckily i wasn't the driver, because i still would have jumped, i once called my brand new girlfriend to come to my house and kill a spider for me, i refused to go on a holiday to south america because thats where the tarantulas live, there is no godamned way i am ever living in sydney or queensland - because thats where the funnelwebs live.

I am actually phobic, not scared of being bitten. Poisinous Redbacks scare me shitloads less than harmless Huntsmen, simply because a huntsman is a lot MORE of the thing thqt i am terrified of. Great big bloody agro deadly funnel webs are the pefect storm, I am vaguely uneasy at being located on the same continent as them. I will never, ever die of spider bite - i will die of fright from having one of the bastards actually touch me in the first place.

There are NO spiders in my house or brewery apart from the odd daddylonglegs (and they dont last long) because over the years i have built up a good half inch thick layer of surface insectcide in any and all locations in which a spider might lurk. And believe me, i actively go looking for those places - Because the only thing that scares me more than seeing a spider...... Is thinking there might be one there that i can't see!!

Typing the word arachnophobe makes me just a tiny bit unsettled, because it has a word in it that means spider.

Scorched earth all the way Zebba... If the dolphins have to die in order for us to maintain a spider free world, i say "so long Flipper". Any bloody thing else that crawls, scuttles, lurks in corners and generally might die when i nuke the **** out of the spiders - well screw them too, because sometimes when i see them out of the corner of my eye, i think that they might be a spider & damn near **** my pants.

Snakes are nice though.
This reminds me of an april fools day joke i played on my mum that backfired badly and almost killed us both.. I was about 11-12 and had in my possesion a plastic funnelweb, so i decided it would be funny if i placed it atop the sunviser in my mums car, long story short we skidded and slid along the freeway narrowly missing the barrier and any oher cars..
I'm in Zebba's boat - full tilt, scream like a girl and run away from anything even vaguely resembling a spider Arachnophobe. Have a little trouble with crabs, just cause they look a bit like spiders.

I used to be a bit like that TB - until I left Sydney to come to Queensland... especially semi-rural Queensland!

There were times that my 'scorched earth' policy make the lefties cringe, so they would be called upon to relocate the hairy, spindly things. But I've developed since those dark days when I lived in fear.

Bushwalking is a hobby of mine. And I can tell you that spiders are the least of my concern. Often when I'm training in the Glasshouse Mountains, I'll end up with one stuck to my chest, causing me to initiate that dance we all do! '****, feck, erse, aaaghh!'
I got used to that.

I sleep in a swag when I camp. No spiders have defiled me in my sleep. Plenty of brewers, snakes and sheep, but no spiders.
And brewing... there's spiders in the shed. Lots of Huntsmans - which are my mates (one fell in a cider once... I found it when kegging, it tasted fine...if a bit furry :lol:
I got used to them being around. On my hand, under the brim of my hat once (climbing a palm tree and the frond fell on my head with a nice wolf spider...I did the dance - and so did he I reckon!!

There's hope yet TB! :D
Manticle will be pleased to know that during shock and awe yesterday I encountered a huntsman. I fought my instincts and relocated it out of the strike zone. Whilst doing so I told it in no uncertain terms that it was the luckiest spider in Melbourne, and that it better do what it could to thank me. I'm not sure it got the message.
Manticle will be pleased to know that during shock and awe yesterday I encountered a huntsman. I fought my instincts and relocated it out of the strike zone. Whilst doing so I told it in no uncertain terms that it was the luckiest spider in Melbourne, and that it better do what it could to thank me. I'm not sure it got the message.

Manticle is very pleased. Did a thorough clean of my brew gear and area yesterday and cleaned some equipment I was giving away. Black house spider relocated (unfortunately it was difficult to relocate her egg sacs too) from a keggle. A plastic lid was found, underneath which was a brown house spider with eg sacs. The lid was moved to the back rather than added to the donations.

Brown house spiders look very much like redbacks but without the red. Egg sacs look similar too.

Disappointed in Thirsty boy though.
Anyway, moving right along...

I was shifting some wood for my cousin today and saw this lovely specimen. Sorry the picture isn't the best - I asked it to turn around but it would not oblige. Please note the redgum sleepers in the background for scale.


Dude poo'd.
Disappointed in Thirsty boy though.

Bah humbug. I'm a nice enough bloke, but i'm no damn buddhist. Many many, more than i could possibly count, things have died in order to facilitate me (and you too) living my life in the way i do, which includes comfortably and not in fear.

I fail to shy away from the fact that some of the things that have died in order to smooth my path through this life, have done so at my hands personally.
Yes but I have a soft spot for spiders (despite also having had arachnaphobia when younger - I couldn't open a picture book on spiders as a kid for fear the photographed specimen would crawl out of the page and do nasty spider things).

you can kill mosquitoes, goats, kangaroos and ducks. All of those need to be eaten apart from the mozzies. Next time you see a spider, I'll come and take it away for you.

I'm also happy to supply some buttons for your blouse but I won't be able to sew them on for you.
Seeing we're boasting animal cruelty, I mowed over a few cane toads tonite :D
Seeing we're boasting animal cruelty, I mowed over a few cane toads tonite :D

They are less messy under the blade of a pitching wedge :)
Rats being my phobia, spiders are fine, I work with them everyday thou.
Yes but I have a soft spot for spiders (despite also having had arachnaphobia when younger - I couldn't open a picture book on spiders as a kid for fear the photographed specimen would crawl out of the page and do nasty spider things).

you can kill mosquitoes, goats, kangaroos and ducks. All of those need to be eaten apart from the mozzies. Next time you see a spider, I'll come and take it away for you.

I'm also happy to supply some buttons for your blouse but I won't be able to sew them on for you.

No, no you wont... Because either i will have already run away screaming, or somehow screwed up the courage to kill it myself... I favour sucking them up with a vacuum cleaner, then with the cleaner still running, spraying mortien up the nozzel of the vacuum cleaner, and leaving it running for an hour or so until i am sure the creature is dead. Must leave the cleaner running though, in case spider crawls back up the hose and gets out... Highly pissed off at being sucked up and an attempted poisoning.

I care not for your soft spot - spiders must die (not cruelly if i can help it. There is a differnece between killing something and animal cruelty) if i am calling someone to take care of a spider for me, i will call someone i know will kill it! You'll probably feed the bastard and set it free to terrorise me another day, or it decendants.

And i am a BIAB capable brewer, and therefore perfectly capable of sewing the buttons on my own blouse thank you very much.
SWMBO has never been and is already scared of going to Aus. I stupidly clicked on this while she was in earshot the other day.

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Sun was out for a change yesterday, and a fair size King Brown wanted to come inside with us.


Holy c..

If that happened to me, we would probably have to migrate back to Scandinavia.

There's now two reasons for brewing on the balcony.
Not being able to afford a house with a shed was up until this the only reason.
Now I have another.

No funnel web, redbacks, brown snakes or anything else (as far as I know) on our balcony.
Seen a cockroach or two but not scared of those :D

Hmm, maybe migrate to NZ? Heard there's no funny stuff there trying to kill you.
At least no scary animals and insects.
But then it'll be too cold again.
