Noob Ag Brew Day @ Chappo's (brisvegas)

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<_< It's true

BASTARDS!!!! I forgot last time to lock you out of the house Sully. It's like a serial pest but with permanent marker pen. Surprised you haven't got the one when you gave me a 1" think mono brow Bert and Ernie style <_< One day I'll get payback Sully, One day!

(BTW How times are you going to wheel that photo out dough boy? Must have pasted my ugly noggin on something new by now?)

His doing a Bribie... :)
I'm tellin' ya you can't trust Sully. Last time I went over to his place he covered my sunnies in liquid arse :angry: ... yes is stinks likes it's name sake and is near impossible to get rid of. Payback is coming due Sully!
Shhh... don't reveal all my ploys... besides they were gay looking sunnies anyways and I thought they belonged to someone else...

Liquid Ass is saved for special occasions....

Don't worry Chap Chap I won't prank you any more, I need fresh victims...
Last time I went over to his place he covered my sunnies in liquid arse :angry: ... yes is stinks likes it's name sake and is near impossible to get rid of.

Liquid Arse hey,.......... Sully told me he accidently sat on your sunnies. Could have just been residue :eek: :lol:

Shame I have to miss this one Chap Chap. Brewday at Chappo Manor is a bloody good day.

The short answer is yes it is a sin.

Let me explain why there's that one rule of bringing your home brew along.

I've been guilty of it in the past, don't worry I am the pot calling the kettle black here . When I first invited myself to a brew day I was worried my beer wouldn't be good enough to share with the other brewers and I would be belittled by the other brewers, how very very wrong I was. However after that first brew day I worked out that there wasn't any harsh criticisms but more supportive, helpful and constructive guidence. I got over it instantly and regretted not bringing my beers. So now I get my goat up when brewers bring some commercial c.r.a.p. (craft, micro or not) instead of their own beers that they have sitting at home. I now find it kind of a slap in the face, to be honest, when I host a brew day and this happens because this is what is at the core of these brew days. It's about us as brewers getting together helping, one on one or as a group, sharing our knowledge with each about our different brews, yeasts, hops, chill/no chill, 3 teir, BIAB and differing brewing techniques. You'll pick up more in half an hour at a brew day than 10 days reading on this forum. That's the sole reason why I make that rule. Now I'm not saying your in that same boat you maybe genuinely out of home brew which is fine but if you do have some at home brew please bring it along, I promise the feed back will be invaluable.

<end of rant>

Seb the rants not aimed at you at all ok Just needed to have a rant in general.

Bring along what you think is appropriate mate.

Chap Chap

Agree with you on all points on this! Have not attended a brew meet ever but if you're not bringing a sample of what we're there to enjoy, then there's... no enjoyment in the hobby! I considered bringing an offer of commercial, but then quickly realised that it could be seen as less of a positive thought and more an insult, as such..

And just for the record (more of just a personal discussion about myself i guess), but the reason why I'm not bringing any brews is not because i think my brew's not good enough, or that I'm out of brew, it's simply that I haven't brewed a single drop of beer since i was 16.. 23 now! Hence the rediculous number of help threads I open so I can get my first beer setup going.. Almost at completion now, of which I'll be speaking to you @ brew day about as we've previously discussed.

Now as I am a cadbury (can't drink a lot before I get horribly intoxicated) I plan to give away at least 70%+ of what I make to friends and fellow brewers simply because I can't drink it all, but I love the art. I'd happily brew even if I couldn't drink at all for medical reasons or whathaveyou. :) With my 4 keg setup that I am accounting for a whole lot of future generosity. Future meets when my production is in full scale, I hope to rock up with a keg at every meet to share.

So yeah, I 110% agree with all of your points as I have experienced this issue in other hobbies - if you're in the hobby and producing, your passion of the art should make you want to do anything you can to share your product with your fellow man.

I guess given the extremely long gap between my brewing schedules, I could in theory, until my brew rig is operational, be judged as a "kid interested in brewing but has never done it before, coming along to see how the big boys do it".

Agree with you on all points on this! Have not attended a brew meet ever but if you're not bringing a sample of what we're there to enjoy, then there's... no enjoyment in the hobby! I considered bringing an offer of commercial, but then quickly realised that it could be seen as less of a positive thought and more an insult, as such..

And just for the record (more of just a personal discussion about myself i guess), but the reason why I'm not bringing any brews is not because i think my brew's not good enough, or that I'm out of brew, it's simply that I haven't brewed beer since i was 16.. 23 now! Hence the rediculous number of help threads I open so I can get my first beer setup going.. Almost at completion now, of which I'll be speaking to you @ brew day about as we've previously discussed.

Now as I am a cadbury (can't drink a lot before I get horribly intoxicated) I plan to give away at least 70%+ of what I make to friends and fellow brewers simply because I can't drink it all, but I love the art. I'd happily brew even if I couldn't drink at all for medical reasons or whathaveyou. :) With my 4 keg setup that I am accounting for a whole lot of future generosity. Future meets when my production is in full scale, I hope to rock up with a keg at every meet to share.

So yeah, I 110% agree with all of your points as I have experienced this issue in other hobbies - if you're in the hobby and producing, your passion of the art should make you want to do anything you can to share your product with your fellow man.

I guess given the extremely long gap between my brewing schedules, I could in theory, until my brew rig is operational, be judged as a "kid interested in brewing but has never done it before, coming along to see how the big boys do it".


Far out Sera... At least you have done your homework.

i have a feeling you will brew very good beer!
I guess given the extremely long gap between my brewing schedules, I could in theory, until my brew rig is operational, be judged as a "kid interested in brewing but has never done it before, coming along to see how the big boys do it".

Seb no big boys here just boys with their toys! :icon_cheers: Well I am a big boy girth wise ROFL. Look no worries about the beer thing Seb as I said just was venting but also sharing my story a bit as well. When you have that system of yours up and running Chappo is ALWAYS up for donation to the Chappo Manor kegerator fund... no bastard ever leaves me a keg <_<

I hope we are all good Seb I sincerely wasn't having a shot at ya... maybe a push to get a beer out of you :rolleyes:

Chap Chap
Mate no worries whatsoever! No offence taken at all, I didn't even see it as being directed at me! :) As i said it's a pet peeve for me as well.. :) Plus by all means push me to get a beer out of me.. I said I was going to have this setup done by early of the start of this year, and kept saying "soon" about 800 times until my girlfriend put the ultimatum on me - my brew setup must be completed and cold beer on tap for christmas holidays, otherwise I'm in the doghouse LOL

Katie: Cheers, I've had some experience in brewing other things, so I'm not totallynew to it, but even between beer, spirits and wine, it can be argued that each field is a field in its own.. :)
PP will be so hung over on Sunday! Or still drunk!

Yeah, it's a shame Chappo's brew day isn't tomorrow. If so we'd only be 2 hours out of inebriation synchronisation, not 26.

This is going to be a long weekend :rolleyes:.
Yeah, it's a shame Chappo's brew day isn't tomorrow. If so we'd only be 2 hours out of inebriation synchronisation, not 26.

This is going to be a long weekend :rolleyes: .

PP do me a favour and wish that Old Kranky Koont a happy birthday for me tomorrow please? I'll try to remember to PM him in the morning :rolleyes:
Is ross going,(2nd experienced brewer)
:D luv to come too see how its done but its too hot down there.

Sav :p
PP do me a favour and wish that Old Kranky Koont a happy birthday for me tomorrow please? I'll try to remember to PM him in the morning :rolleyes:

Will do mate. Dunno his actual birthday date and I don't care. The only thing I care about is that I know that he knows a sex adict but I don't know if he has invited her tomorrow....

Not knowing is driving me nuts. I haven't gone so far as to wash my van so, my old QLD mates need not worry about me softening up just for women, but I have cleared enough space out of the back to get lucky in.

Just thinking about this....

Now I am actually scared she will turn up because within arm's reach of the thoughtfully laid out bed in the back of my van are 3 drills (one impact), a planer, a jigsaw, an orbital sander, a belt-sander (F@3ck), a jack-hammer :)huh:) and a hot air gun.

These are just a few of the tools that come frighteningly and instantly to mind.

On second thoughts, if I do get her in the van, I am locking her in and will scavenge what beers I can until I pass out in a far corner well away from the HIACE.

And I thought tomorrow was looking good :angry:

I am keen to come along, is there public transport out your way chappo?

Or can somebody give me a lift from morningside? :D


Long time lurker -- Chalky

Purfect Chalky! But you will need to catch the train. There is a train station no more that 1.5km away from me. I'll PM you my addy just get on the QR site to get a time table.

I'm tellin' ya you can't trust Sully. Last time I went over to his place he covered my sunnies in liquid arse :angry: ... yes is stinks likes it's name sake and is near impossible to get rid of. Payback is coming due Sully!

ahh should go nicely with the nutsack sweat on the inside rim of your cap. :lol: :ph34r:
the ranga will not be in attendance, the poor little half sucked pineapple head will be working.
pmed you bout what station. im off to bottle some beer. :chug: cherrio
Chap Chap & chaps, just thought I'd mention, on items for a possible lunch menu, I've got some Tandoori Chicken marinating already, it can go on a BBQ or in the oven, doesn't really matter, and I'll bring some of my simple but different Garlic Bread (turkish pide, olive oil, fresh thyme, and local garlic), again oven or BBQ.
Of course, and more importantly, I will have some TTLs, a Green Dragon knockoff and even some stout. I was going to bring a nice all- Goldings Ordinary Bitter, but I just realised that the bottle I sprang earlier was actually the very last. Shame that, it was a nice drop, am sorry... Its about time I put some of my beers out there for scrutiny though, I know there's flaws by the dozen but let's just see if there's some I hadn't thought of!

Also I was already stopping in at Morningside anyway, so I'll pick up chalky, and looks like its all working out rather well for a memorable brewday. Many thanks Chap Chap for hosting, its shaping up to be a cracker, so :beer: !

BTW, I'll be glad to be out of Toowoomba for the day while Carnival of Flowers is on, all the touristy idiots out and about on the road are giving me the utter shites. Downtown this morning was just daft, I should know by now that's how it is... I've never seen so many strollers before in my life either, guess its handy for the bairns' parents with the parade etc.
Hey Chap Chap I have half a sack of grain for ya in my car. I will be visiting my Brother and family for breakfast and morning yarns, I am aiming to be at yours by noon to check that 70 min hop addition is enough.
It will be great to have a drink with you all. :party:
