Noob Ag Brew Day @ Chappo's (brisvegas)

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Pat you know there is nothing more I enjoy in life but having a decent phone beer session with you. I'll call after lunch our time. :)

As for your Dark and Evil ways with bags and humbug you know where you can fit them!

Chap Chap

You are the man!

I will await your call with candles burning and 50lts of goats blood simmering in my kettle.


P.S. Sqyre, get a GPS!
Pat I have put into BeerSmith as the 70min addition so I don't forget to call ya. :D

Sorry i cant make it...

I'm worried your turning into a hermit... I'll get to Sqyre Manor and there will be this big Dude with a gruff beard and torn jeans shuing away the chooks from his porch mumbling to himself. :lol:

Chap Chap
Pat I have put into BeerSmith as the 70min addition so I don't forget to call ya. :D

I'm worried your turning into a hermit... I'll get to Sqyre Manor and there will be this big Dude with a gruff beard and torn jeans shuing away the chooks from his porch mumbling to himself. :lol:

Chap Chap

ummmm... ok... i will go shave and get changed.. :blink:

As for your Dark and Evil ways with bags and humbug you know where you can fit them!
Hmmm, now why do I get the feeling a tar and feathering is going down? :blink:

The few/ only BIABers better be prepared to sit quietly in the corner minding their own business! ;)
RdeVjun, it will be like watching a long and drawn out game of cricket mate but on the bright side, you won't have to queue for a beer. Drink heaps and make sure Chap Chap follows the 70 minute addition to the letter.

Sqyre will help ;)
Pat I have put into BeerSmith as the 70min addition so I don't forget to call ya. :D

I'm worried your turning into a hermit... I'll get to Sqyre Manor and there will be this big Dude with a gruff beard and torn jeans shuing away the chooks from his porch mumbling to himself. :lol:

Chap Chap

We haven't had a decent hermit at a brewday since the Unibomber got arrested. Can anyone going from the Northside give Scoundrel Rouge a lift down since the Ranga's car is in Intensive Care and my appearance is not iron clad (depends on my behaviour on Saturday evening - QABC judging aftermath & Broncos game - hmmm, possible but tricky <_< )
I'll PM/SMS GravityGuru as he is coming from Geebung and see if he can get the little tacker a lift? :)

BTW Perry there is no way your going to make it on Sunday my friend I think you 're way under estimating your in built talent for consuming vast quantities of fine beer. Don't get me wrong I would love to see ya but we both know you will probably still be over the limit on Monday morning. :lol:
I'll PM/SMS GravityGuru as he is coming from Geebung and see if he can get the little tacker a lift? :)

BTW Perry there is no way your going to make it on Sunday my friend I think you 're way under estimating your in built talent for consuming vast quantities of fine beer. Don't get me wrong I would love to see ya but we both know you will probably still be over the limit on Monday morning. :lol:

Stranger things have happened (I may HAVE to get out of the house :p ), but I hope you've got a brewery assistant lined up to do most of the work on the day.
Stranger things have happened (I may HAVE to get out of the house :p ), but I hope you've got a brewery assistant lined up to do most of the work on the day.

Yeah Sully is designated Mash-Bitch for the day. It takes a few beatings with the mash paddle to get him going at first but he then comes good :p .
I was going to brew on Sunday but might see if I can drag my @r$e up there. Means I have to go and get my bottle capper back from a mate on Saturday so I don't turn up empty handed. First test run for my tight-@r$e CPBF too.
I was going to brew on Sunday but might see if I can drag my @r$e up there. Means I have to go and get my bottle capper back from a mate on Saturday so I don't turn up empty handed. First test run for my tight-@r$e CPBF too.

Be good yo see ya Cannibal being meaning to catch you up to see how that monsterous brew rig of yours is going? Might drop Lilo a line and see what he is up to as well?
Be good yo see ya Cannibal being meaning to catch you up to see how that monsterous brew rig of yours is going? Might drop Lilo a line and see what he is up to as well?

Haha, brew rig is still in re-design cycle. Everytime I settle on a design I come up with another idea which changes it. I think I'm up to about about revision10G. I think I should just get to it and build the darn thing.
So phone beers this Sunday :icon_cheers:.

Make sure you get RdeVjun to bring along a bag for when all that high tech **** causes you a heap of grief :D


Batz, make sure you sticker his gas bottles!

PP will be so hung over on Sunday! Or still drunk!
Haha, brew rig is still in re-design cycle. Everytime I settle on a design I come up with another idea which changes it. I think I'm up to about about revision10G. I think I should just get to it and build the darn thing.

Well bring ya plans with ya and lets see if we can finalise a few things LOL!

PP will be so hung over on Sunday! Or still drunk!

Oh goody goody goody... hopefully he'll be too under the weather to serve me one of his 3 hour lectures :lol:
Seeing as I dont yet have my brew rig, I will be committing a sin and not bringing any brews. However I will try to bring along something else worthy of tastebuds. :)
Seeing as I dont yet have my brew rig, I will be committing a sin and not bringing any brews. However I will try to bring along something else worthy of tastebuds. :)


The short answer is yes it is a sin.

Let me explain why there's that one rule of bringing your home brew along.

I've been guilty of it in the past, don't worry I am the pot calling the kettle black here ;) . When I first invited myself to a brew day I was worried my beer wouldn't be good enough to share with the other brewers and I would be belittled by the other brewers, how very very wrong I was. However after that first brew day I worked out that there wasn't any harsh criticisms but more supportive, helpful and constructive guidence. I got over it instantly and regretted not bringing my beers. So now I get my goat up when brewers bring some commercial c.r.a.p. (craft, micro or not) instead of their own beers that they have sitting at home. I now find it kind of a slap in the face, to be honest, when I host a brew day and this happens because this is what is at the core of these brew days. It's about us as brewers getting together helping, one on one or as a group, sharing our knowledge with each about our different brews, yeasts, hops, chill/no chill, 3 teir, BIAB and differing brewing techniques. You'll pick up more in half an hour at a brew day than 10 days reading on this forum. That's the sole reason why I make that rule. Now I'm not saying your in that same boat you maybe genuinely out of home brew which is fine but if you do have some at home brew please bring it along, I promise the feed back will be invaluable.

<end of rant>

Seb the rants not aimed at you at all ok ;) Just needed to have a rant in general.

Bring along what you think is appropriate mate.

Chap Chap
Yeah Sully is designated Mash-Bitch for the day. It takes a few beatings with the mash paddle to get him going at first but he then comes good :p .

I'm nobodies brew bitch especially given that I may still be a write-off from the night before.

Sully don't play well with others when hungover...

Heres a thought, guaranteed ole Chap Chap wont be outta bed before 8.00 so if everyone shows up early, we can all put his makeup on before he wakes up!! :ph34r:

Seeing as I dont yet have my brew rig, I will be committing a sin and not bringing any brews. However I will try to bring along something else worthy of tastebuds. :)

Buys some PET bottles and fill with Creatures.... Chappo wont know... :ph34r:
<_< It's true

BASTARDS!!!! I forgot last time to lock you out of the house Sully. It's like a serial pest but with permanent marker pen. Surprised you haven't got the one when you gave me a 1" think mono brow Bert and Ernie style <_< One day I'll get payback Sully, One day!

(BTW How times are you going to wheel that photo out dough boy? Must have pasted my ugly noggin on something new by now?)