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Interesting. The surge in polytheistic uptake tends to suggest punters are more keen on spinning the reincarnation chocolate wheel than spending all of eternity in the tedium of heaven, or having their bottoms prodded by trident wielding demons in Dante's inferno.

Personally, I were a jedi, I'd be appalled that the government fails to recognise my religion when a transparent scam like scientology gets a guernsey.

Presbyterian was started as a religion of the affluent. Scientology appeals to the wealthy because only those who can afford their special anti-rogue-nano-bot spirit counseling will achieve the highest level in the afterlife. Stars like Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise and John Travolta are huge walking advertisements.

I think many have joined for the people/job networking

Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie left the religion after her brief marriage to Michael Jackson. Tom Cruise's ex wife Katie Holmes left as well. After their split they agreed their children should attend a secular private school. Most likely Tom was afraid his kids would be influenced by attending a judeo/christian school and wouldn't follow his path.
Never heard of a vb drinker killing a xxxx drinker because of the beer they drink. The beer crusades or suicide beer bombers,not likely.
Didn't someone get glassed at a Brisbane AHB pubcrawl a few years ago?
suicide beer bombers,not likely.



Didn't someone get glassed at a Brisbane AHB pubcrawl a few years ago?
It was an international brewers day function. I remember wearing some of the glass. I also remember stopping at o'malleys and then the Belgian beer cafe on the way to get the bus home. I also remember work really sucked the next day and I had a bunnings sausage for breakfast.

See, who says the booze is messing with my memory. What were we talking about again?
Found a final longneck of coffee porter I made last January. I hoped it improved with age.

It hadn't.
Found a final longneck of coffee porter I made last January. I hoped it improved with age.

It hadn't.

Funny, or not, you should say that. I did the same thing last weekend. I made a big stout with coffee and choc adjuncts about ten months ago. It still tastes equally ********* as it did back then. Actually, a little worse. Much of the alcohol warmth, maltiness and hop bitterness have mellowed to leave behind what essentially tastes like a slightly effervescent pint of cold black coffee.
Funny, or not, you should say that. I did the same thing last weekend. I made a big stout with coffee and choc adjuncts about ten months ago. It still tastes equally ********* as it did back then. Actually, a little worse. Much of the alcohol warmth, maltiness and hop bitterness have mellowed to leave behind what essentially tastes like a slightly effervescent pint of cold black coffee.
Yep, Coffee is one ingredient I will not be using again in a hurry.
Whilst we obviously sympathise with our American cousins about the dreadful storm that has wreaked such havoc on the Atlantic seaboard and commiserate with the families who have lost loved ones, the question does arise:

During the horrendous Cyclone Yasi and associated systems that devastated Queensland last year, were US TV screens flooded - in equal measure - with wall-to-wall coverage of the disaster - were there constant reports from American journalists on the spot keeping their audiences up to date with the latest carnage?

Not a critisism of the USA at all, just of our sycophantic Aussie Cultural Cringe media who worship everything that happens or emerges from that nation. Or is it a case of vicarious glee that all these foreigners are suffering, perhaps.


I think the abc news the other night had one third devoted to usa sandy damage.
Haiti probably had more lives lost to this storm, plus the poor sods have cholera problems still from the earthquake two years ago, did they get a mention?
To get equal coverage i reckon one american life is worth about one thousand at least of your average third world country to get anywhere near the coverage time.

Why have we become so us centric?
Dunno. Quite a few American friends called in during yasi to tell me to evacuate. News must've spread.
During the horrendous Cyclone Yasi and associated systems that devastated Queensland last year
Are you suggesting that the impact is the same? Same caveats, obviously.

were US TV screens flooded - in equal measure - with wall-to-wall coverage of the disaster - were there constant reports from American journalists on the spot keeping their audiences up to date with the latest carnage?
I had US friends asking me if everything was okay (Seppos generally think Australia in pretty small). So they heard about it at least. I know they generally hear about the bushfires we get down here as well.

I don't wish to diminish the effects of Yasi at all but Sandy affects more people than are in our entire country let alone Queensland. Is it big enough news that it should exclude all other stories? No. But it is pretty big news.

Haiti probably had more lives lost to this storm, plus the poor sods have cholera problems still from the earthquake two years ago, did they get a mention?
Yeah, I can't handle even thinking about Haiti. Those poor bastards must have kicked God's dog.

Why have we become so us centric?
Honestly, it isn't matter of being US-centric. Could have happened in any country that is largely composed of pink people and it'd be big news. Probably doesn't hurt that they're getting handed tonnes of sensational material for free...
.... No. But it is pretty big news....

...Honestly, it isn't matter of being US-centric. Could have happened in any country that is largely composed of pink people and it'd be big news. Probably doesn't hurt that they're getting handed tonnes of sensational material for free...

Don't know if I agree with the big news part, but that's mainly a personal dislike of most media in general and the purpose it is supposed to serve (vs what it does serve).

You're spot on with the free material thing though. With all the interconnected ownership and what not it's like putting a bag of jellybeans in front of a 5 year old and leaving the room after telling them not to eat any.. Only someone gives them a dollar for every one they eat.

From a more humanitarian perspective however, poor bastards.
Whilst we obviously sympathise with our American cousins about the dreadful storm that has wreaked such havoc on the Atlantic seaboard and commiserate with the families who have lost loved ones, the question does arise:

During the horrendous Cyclone Yasi and associated systems that devastated Queensland last year, were US TV screens flooded - in equal measure - with wall-to-wall coverage of the disaster - were there constant reports from American journalists on the spot keeping their audiences up to date with the latest carnage?

Not a critisism of the USA at all, just of our sycophantic Aussie Cultural Cringe media who worship everything that happens or emerges from that nation. Or is it a case of vicarious glee that all these foreigners are suffering, perhaps.



Are you serious Bribie, the differences between these two disasters is huge, there really is no comparison between the two, of course given the death toll and the millions affected we are going to hear and see a great deal. I don't watch a lot of tv and haven't seen much about the disaster at all really but what makes you think they weren't flooded with our reports I know my Mom was in the UK, she said it headlined all the news channels.
I don't wish to diminish the effects of Yasi at all but Sandy affects more people than are in our entire country let alone Queensland. Is it big enough news that it should exclude all other stories? No. But it is pretty big news. (Bum's quote)

Having seen first-hand the result of Yasi and the news pics of Sandy would have to say that the storms were similar in their destructivity, But due to a far mor dense population in a similar size storm affected area, it seems that the states have had a lot more lives and property affected by the storm, thus more media coverage, probably due to not only the cost in lives but also in dollars.

Were Haiti a more providant country, would it then rate more mentions? I agree Bum, those poor folk, to put it politely.

Now in the times to come, we can wait and see the result of what Sandy brings as far as the recovery for the people goes, let alone this becoming the subject of a political football.

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