No Topic Thread

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8 minutes to delete my last post, cause I mentioned "deleting posts".

Can they, in good conscience, delete from this post? It IS in the "No Topic Thread" so doesn't need to have anything to do about beer.


"Wot?......someone put a frivolous post in the No Topic section?"
"Right then, I`ll send O`Flaherty`s team over to deal with him!" :rolleyes:
I've lived my life so far successfully without ever needing a 'like ' button.

I like beer.


Almost had a group punchup on the bus ride home last night. Some 40 yr old w$%nker would not take his stuff off the seat next to him (in the front of the bus disabled priority area) to allow an elderly woman to sit down. A few of us were ready to throw him off the bus. He tried to kick a man who ended up trying to sit there, etc. such a tool. Bus driver stopped the bus and eventually he moved his 'precious book' to allow someone to sit down.

Made me feel embarrassed to be an aussie and a human being! Ffs some people need to be shot at birth.

This guy was in no way disabled, just a t0sser.

end rant.****,cute,annoying,facebook,funny,nice-21d5330b1634465344d3dc27b4beb6b7_h.jpg
A raven..........seen that one many times myself. Although normally I would see the punk arse teenager who thinks the world owes him favours or something. Best I ever saw was a ****** sitting on a train testing out his ringtones for about 10minutes straight. This huge dude in a suit walked over, grabbed the phone, tossed it out the window and handed the kid a business card saying "Call me, I'll buy you a new one"..........
Aaah The joys of public transport and the inconsiderates who catch it.

Some ******** kept doing silent but deadly's on the train yesterday.

And how f'ing hard is it to park your car at the station, and allow another car to fit in behind you?
Honestly, I'd like to key some repeat offenders, but I'm trying not to be a f###wit.
And people wonder why I don't do public transport if I can avoid it.
Monteiths black, tui's east India pale ale, some golden lager and mac's sassy red yesterday.

Today, tasters from crazy monkey, got a bottle of something Belgian strong flavoured with ambergris (!? Dunno try anything I suppose but better be good for the money, friendly one man bar staff at the brewery in riwaka, even they have had to sub out riwaka hops).
Today, tasters from crazy monkey, got a bottle of something Belgian strong flavoured with ambergris (!? Dunno try anything I suppose but better be good for the money, friendly one man bar staff at the brewery in riwaka, even they have had to sub out riwaka hops).
Isn't that whale vomit!?
This reminds me of what is presented as meaningful and considered discourse in some spaces recently:


Or have I put this in the wrong thread?
they should have their brewing licence revoked for calling that "beer" an IPA...

Couple of things did happen:
The bar staff didn't link 'I want the IPA' to pouring me that one and it was definitely not very pale. Quite ok for a light amber though, nothing wrong with te beer itself.
Ahhhhh, watching your old workplace being dragged through the mud by one of the most respected managers that ever worked there, in the press, in an open interview............Just an amazing feeling.

Were you just on channel 7 news ?