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Being isolated from alot of other adult human contact, you can start to understand how a sleep deprived, hormone loaded post natal woman can become depressed....
Im going out the back to brew some beer!
I did that this morning. Now to clean the apartment and start thinking about prepping dinner....

Ricotta & spinach cannelloni and prosciutto wrapped chicken, I know this is going to be good.......
Renegade... I bid you farewell, and bestow upon you the title of:

"Master Baiter"
... the administrators, who have been PM'd this morning to delete my login.

(creative use of snip mine, signoff seems more appropriate now.)

I'd say goodbye, but I don't mean it. Plus, it's not like you're leaving - you're having your username deleted, presumably because it's now properly against the rules to have more than one. What's the new name going to be? DLlama_99? SStirrer_26? GoneFishing? AuContraire?

I know, I know, I wasn't going to interact with you any further. What can I say? Your infatuation with me has left me no option but to tell you one last time, stop sending the flowers. I hope with all my might that your account closes before you get a chance to respond. That'd be sweet. This whole arc does somewhat seem like a big cry for attention... you didn't actually contact a mod at all, did you?

Edit: typo. what's with this long-word-limit?
you didn't actually contact a mod at all, did you?

No, I PM'd Doc & Dane this morning. You can ask them yourself should you wish to verify my statement..... being is that you simply can't bring yourself to ignore my presence, I imagine you have more time for me than you profess. You are soooooooo predictable, Doctor Ego. I knew you would respond within minutes. Go on, reply again to say this is your last word. I shall permit you to do so. Or hey, don't respond. You've already defied your own grandiose statements from prior occasions.

Go on, Doctor, respond ! :lol:
Yes ! The Doctor hath acquiesce to thy prediction. Let's watch him now as he shows us that he's also very clever at pointing out one's absurd use of the English language.

Oh QB, who even needs a whole barrel of fish when one will do so nicely ? Go on, reply. Or don't You have my permission to react as you wish.

But we suspect what the outcome shall be. :lol:
Drinking at high altitude is fun, and continuing the day at home on the piss is.. even.. FUNNER.

Did you hairy linguists enjoy that ?
Someone let me know when the troll leaves. Apparently I'm fulfilling his/her psychic prediction that by posting an irrelevant humorous picture I am either responding, or not responding. There's very little room there to NOT fulfill that prediction.

On an entirely different matter, I bet a bazillion dollars that Renegade will, or won't post something useless that avoids thinking up a rebuttal to this post. I bet he/she will/wont! Go on Renegade... respond! Or Don't... Someone get the told-you-so button ready, he/she will do one of them!
Moving the topic along somewhat, I just found the most amusing piece of junk mail in my mailbox ever....

It is a tiny piece of white paper, and all it has printed on it is.

"600,000 immigrants arrived in the last 4 years

That's more than Tasmania
More than the Aboriginies
More that Newcastle
More that we need"

No company/contact details, I'm beyond confused as to what I am expected to do with this information. Irony kicks in when you realise my suburb is a huge ethnic area, most residents are Greek/Italian/Portuguese and have lived here for years........
Hey Chappo, I might as well go out in a blaze of glory. Are you planning to address that girth of yours this year ? It's unhealthy to be carrying that much around with you. I only mention this because I care.


Come on you'll have to try better than that FFS... You are losing your touch there my friend.
Hell, he's been gone only a few minutes and he already can't help but PM me... I'm expecting a fax from him any minute now.

Could a mod please remove one (1) of the above posts by Renegade - I don't mind which one, but perhaps one with cursing in it - just to leave him stuck at 1199.
Irony kicks in when you realise my suburb is a huge ethnic area, most residents are Greek/Italian/Portuguese and have lived here for years........

Something to do with the lack of contact details, I'd imagine.

Just out of interest - was the typo in the last line of the flyer (for want of a better word) yours or theirs? God, I really hope it was theirs. Sorry to draw attention to it if not.
bugger, was mine.....

they should all read than, not that.........

Would make for amusement if it was theirs.

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