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I just got woken up and forced from bed by the demon child......I only got into bed at 1am.......

And the WotWots is rather piercing to the ears this morning....

I know your pain. I found my 1yo with his hands in my fermenting weisse beer. And he's the one crying!
I know your pain. I found my 1yo with his hands in my fermenting weisse beer. And he's the one crying!

On a serious note, lucky the poor bugger didn't fall into it......

I put my one to work, I didn't have to tend to the urn once during the boil today, my daughter is now trained that when my phone beeps (timer) to throw in the top container of the hops from the stack on the counter.....

She has even learnt that the 3rd beep is not the flameout addition, but the little scoop of koppafloc.
Damn rain. I need to make post holes and cement them in today. It rains every bloody time I do post holes.
On a serious note, lucky the poor bugger didn't fall into it......

I put my one to work, I didn't have to tend to the urn once during the boil today, my daughter is now trained that when my phone beeps (timer) to throw in the top container of the hops from the stack on the counter.....

She has even learnt that the 3rd beep is not the flameout addition, but the little scoop of koppafloc.
Nice training indeed. It's funny too hearing them yell from the backyard "WE'RE MAKING BEEEEEER!"
My little one enjoys measuring and cracking grain with the mortar & pestle when I'm doing a thrown together knk.
Here's something funny that's NOT on (at least not hotlinked from the front page of it) ...

Help, guys! I'm getting cyber-bullied by a fuckwit!
Is Jackie Chan sending you hurtful messages?
I apologise if anyone else thought I was presenting these images as original material.

Back in your box, fuckwit.
I apologise if anyone else thought I was presenting these images as original material.
I never tried to imply that funnies should be original, just not lazily obtained. Very little fun in loading up myself then seeing the same pics posted here shortly thereafter.

Back in your box, fuckwit.
Don't worry, with your levels of intellect, conversation skills, and ability to regurgitate information, you can still get a job with any 'news' service in Australia.

Oh, and that's Dr fuckwit to you now, sonny.

(see how I subtly got that in there... them's some mad jedi skillz)
Nah. You're a pretty average fuckwit.
I bookmarked this a while back, I knew it would come in handy....

That is pretty awesome but it'd be heaps funnier if it wasn't obviously someone samefagging it. 13929 is especially good.
I'm not sure we were allowed to under the old ones.
Porn in the sense of women lying across cars (so really softcore) was fine, and probably still is. Though it probably helped if it was on topic.
"Hey guys. I'm putting down a brew today but am distracted by the bikini babe drapped over a Ferrari in my driveway. How will this effect my efficiency? Here's a pic if it helps."?