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argon said:
OK that was cool.

Contacted Sony, told them my TV was ******* out on me. Went through the usual, banter.

SONY: "Did you try turning it on and off again?"
argon: "yes, yes no it's still ******."

Then this happened.

SONY: "OK, well it'd be too expensive to get repaired. How about we offer you a trade in price on a TV from our website?"
argon: "Um OK"
SONY: "What TV would you like?"
argon: "The 60inch one (RRP $2399)"
SONY: "Alright, we can do it for $1440"
argon: "Um. let me have a think about it"
SONY: "OK call back and we'll give you trade in price on any other TV"
argon: "OK bye"

Best price online i can find the same model $1999. Niiiiiice.
I don't mean to create a tech pissing contest, but consider a Panasonic plasma while they are still available. I read they're pulling out of the game. I have a 46" pana and an (albeit older) 40" Sony lcd and the pana is sex to watch (I got that the right way around yeah?). And it only cost $900 or so at bargain price.
I thought for a minute you said they where good for watching relieved where is that toilet paper....
Bizier said:
I don't mean to create a tech pissing contest, but consider a Panasonic plasma while they are still available. I read they're pulling out of the game. I have a 46" pana and an (albeit older) 40" Sony lcd and the pana is sex to watch (I got that the right way around yeah?). And it only cost $900 or so at bargain price.
I have a 1080 Panasonic Viera and it is fantastic. 6 years and going great. You could fry an egg on the screen, and I'm sure it requires the burning of a small rain forest to power it, but it's great.

Mind you, I do hate thinking about what I paid for the bastard back then...
I have a tv that plays poor quality shows, unless Seinfeld re-runs are on, and it works. Also gets the internet and free TVN, YAY Gambling...

I just couldnt warrant spending a fukload on a TV, each to their own but.
argon said:
SONY: "Did you try turning it on and off again?"
A man from foxtel once asked me the exact same question.

'Yes', I replied.

'I've also slapped the unit repeatedly with the palm of my hand and shaken it vigorously, should I attempt to contact the satellite with a signal mirror?'

'Ha ha, no', he said.

'Ha ha, I was only joking', I said.

Oh, how we laughed and laughed...

Actually, truth be told, the man was quite helpful and I was a little drunk.
Does anyone else have this feeling that whenever you talk to HR every question feels the wrong bloody question. It's like they have a knack for making you just that teensy bit uneasy. I don't know if I should talk or just keep my mouth shut!
How do you think I feel? I'm married to one!
practicalfool said:
You poor bastard. You'd never know a position of power!
But he still has the good old "Toilet brush head stuck in the dunny S bend" shenanigans up his sleeve, hey, Cam?
I reckon if I mention her name and toilet one more time I'll have a sexual harassment case brought on me!
You know, if you're not reading dinosaur comics, maybe you should be.

There is too many march pump clones now, even the little brown pump has lived out its infamy.

While the keg king elements are a close contender for this,

I'd like to nominate the milk crate for the honour of:

"You're not a real brewer if you don't have a milk crate."

Disclaimer: all my milk crates were legally purchased and also removed from commercial premises on request of the premises owner who wanted them gone.

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