No Topic Thread

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punkin said:
Dare say it's moved to a hidden forum. That would be one brave mod to delete a 60 page thread.

What did people say that was worse than all the other **** that you said for 60 pages?

Not sure if I read the very last posts of it, but basically Andrew said, perfectly on topic, that our whining and belittling pisses him off, to which Nick then suggested to grow some balls and delete the mofo of a thread.
Looks like someone is the proud owner of a nice big set of balls now. :ph34r:

I should say that I've met Andrew in person and have nothing against him personally, he actually seemed to be a fine character indeed, but some of his moderation practices I simply do not agree with. At all. But then, who am I to judge.

EDIT: All this said in the assumption that it was Andrew who deleted the thread.
It might not be him ya kno... As much as he's a bright colourful target atm.
Are you reading my mind? Seems that you type faster than I can edit my post.
14. Posts complaining about moderation, or discussing administrative decisions will be deleted. Such discussion should take place via Private Message.
Fair call.

Heaps to catch up on then, administrative decisions have been discussed en masse in the upgrade threads and many others.
If I was writing the rules I'd replace 'will' with 'may'.
Bahahahhaa. Just now, there is an ad for Stella at the bottom of the page.
And this is a classic example of why the thread is no longer there, so many posts of a negative nature directed personally against other members.

Site Rules
14. Posts complaining about moderation, or discussing administrative decisions will be deleted. Such discussion should take place via Private Message.

Please feel free to contact Dane or myself if you don't like a decision or action that I have taken, however make sure you get your facts straight first and are pointing your finger at the actual person responsible.
i think the 'WPMO on AHB' thread being deleted is now the highest ranking 'wpmo on ahb' item.
AndrewQLD said:
And this is a classic example of why the thread is no longer there, so many posts of a negative nature directed personally against other members.
Uh-oh! Now it has spread to this thread!

You were complaining in that thread. Other mods complained in that thread.
*grabs popcorn and the paper im writing about the potential opportunities and threats social media and internet based forums. watches and is ready to take notes*

really folks........ are you all that bored and or depraved that you need to spend your time on AHB complaining???

removal of the WPMO thread was discussed at length within the moderating team after receiving a string of reports about content, and due to a trend towards bullying and rising tensions between members within its content, it was removed.

This No topic thread is left to run because it is relatively harmless and a place for members to come have a bit of a rant and some fun, but WPMO thread on a home brewing forum???? It was always going to end in a bad way with a member base who will probably be having a few drinks while at the keyboard.

Lastly from me on this subject........ attacks on moderators over decisions made will NOT be tolerated, and any more attacks will end badly. WPMO was removed for a reason and that reason was regarded as being in the best interests of AHB and its members.
What Pisses Me Off But Is Not Quite Politically Incorrect To Annoy A Mod (WPMOBINQPITAAM) is that I'm still waiting on feedback the board on a paper i submitted 2 weeks ago and was apparently urgent for them to have.
WPMOBINQPITAAM is that depraved means morally corrupt. my morals are fine. im just corrupt thanks.
Tony said:

really folks........ are you all that bored and or depraved that you need to spend your time on AHB complaining???

removal of the WPMO thread was discussed at length within the moderating team after receiving a string of reports about content, and due to a trend towards bullying and rising tensions between members within its content, it was removed.

This No topic thread is left to run because it is relatively harmless and a place for members to come have a bit of a rant and some fun, but WPMO thread on a home brewing forum???? It was always going to end in a bad way with a member base who will probably be having a few drinks while at the keyboard.

Lastly from me on this subject........ attacks on moderators over decisions made will NOT be tolerated, and any more attacks will end badly. WPMO was removed for a reason and that reason was regarded as being in the best interests of AHB and its members.

Thank you Tony for the explaination.

Believe it or not, announcing the reasons behind a decision that you know is going to be controversial is very important to members and can ally a lot of the anti moderation posts you are now seeing.

Doesn't take much time and would have saved at least 70% of the grumbling here including my own.

And this is not an attack on moderating descions. Just some much needed feedback for your team. I know you want to know when you are doing it right. :)
No problems Punkin.

To all who have had posts taken down from the last couple of pages in this thread, it was due to all the abuse against moderators and moderation decisions, and one completely pointless posts containing abusive language.

I'm not going to PM you all but if you would like to talk about it please PM me.

If tougher moderation is what people want........ trust me i could have let loose with the warning points and suspensions then but i didnt.

Like i said...... if abuse continues it wont end in a pretty way!

And I apologist for my use of the word depraved. I will retract it to just "bored"

relax and have a home brew folks, this crap is not what AHB is about.

Tony said:
relax and have a home brew folks, this crap is not what AHB is about.
Agreed. But that would be why the forum is called "Off Topic".
off topic...... yes

against AHB rules.... no
Thanks Tony, i don't think anyone wants so much tougher moderation, but more consistent moderation. :chug:

I hope this is not taken as a critisism.