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Liam_snorkel said:
Yeah what the fuxking fukk. That PMO.

Also so do the new banner ads. I don't see them on my PC (Adblock) but on iPhone (chrome and safari) there are two on each page. One below the first post on a page and one at the bottom of the page typically. Bum, they have this watermark:

***** out of control, ads everywhere.
Yep, mine is the same as Liam's example there.
I'm getting this on my iphone over 3G & the wifi. Both different, voda n internode. It's hardly likely to be that ad-injection scam. More likely that those not seeing have ad block or something such. If someone more tech savvy than me would check it'd be great. I'm 99% packed out of my house atm...

Either way, the ad injection is rather poor. The sponsors ads up top have never bothered me, I even click them to get where I want. Even the blinking ones!
This google ad **** is - ****.

N yea, bring back wpmo.
Same adds here if I log out of that pro member crap, no adds in pro mode. Man, this forum...

Doesn't PMO as much as the missing WPMO thread though, that's just so lame and so wrong on so many levels.

EDIT: removed edit.
Just installed an add on for firefox called ad-block plus 2.2.3

no more adds on AHB
An ad for pro-activ. Clinically proven to lower cholesterol. Now it's even targeting me!
Sure Dane will have some lame excuse about an [insert fancy IT word] error regarding the adds, like the last time it happened a few years ago, meanwhile cashing in each time we click on the nail polish ads :lol:

EDIT: changed emoticon to show that this post is in jest.
Wait till fat fingered cm2 starts hitting websites of nanna's pants.
You're assuming he doesn't already search for that!
Florian said:
Doesn't PMO as much as the missing WPMO thread though, that's just so lame and so wrong on so many levels.
Especially since mods complained in it as well.
I see no inline banner adds ads. Just the sponsor stuff at the top. And I'm not a pro. And I don't run an addblocker here at work. What are these ads of which you speak?

BTW - to rush to Dane's defense on the whole ad thing (which is a perpetual source of complaint), I run similar forums in other areas and this setup is probably costing him a couple of grand a year in license fees and hosting costs.

Either there is enough revenue generated by the site to cover it (in the form of advertising) or the site doesn't exist. Unless Dane is wealthy enough to pay for it out of the goodness of his heart.

If you want the site to exist, you need to pay for it, either directly by signing up as a pro or indirectly by allowing your eyeballs to be abused by advertising. The alternative is that you become a whole lot more productive at work because this site wouldn't be here to waste time on. Your choice folks.

Dane has stated in the past that the site sponsors cover board costs. This may have changed with the new upgrades, of course.

I've turned off ABP as well (temporarily) and can't see the ads - may be because I'm on a Linux box? Would be a fairly ****** implementation if that was the cause though.
Irefuse to iread that ithread since it irefers to ichanges made in iJanuary.

Get on the right thread Bum.

This one is so targeted it blows my mind.
The sausage thread gives me an ad for cholesterol-lowering margarine.

Now it thinks that Stella is my favourite beer.

Florian said:
Andrew, did you really delete the WPMO thread??? What the ****? You could have just closed it and left it where it was, but completely deleting it??

Dare say it's moved to a hidden forum. That would be one brave mod to delete a 60 page thread.

What did people say that was worse than all the other **** that you said for 60 pages?