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jyo said:
C'mon guys, we were talking about monotremes!
Mods! I suspect someones hacked jyo's account. He's been uncharacteristically funny recently.
I want a monotreme creation like a turducken.

Echidna stuffed with platypus. In the platypus' cavity is the eggs and suckling young of both species.
The spines of the echidna are perfect for sticking slices of lemon to the outside for moisture retention while baking.

You have to de-spur the male platypus if you are unlucky enough not to get a females.
I will invent my own fanciful national holiday where it is tradition to eat this with the family.

My grandchildren will recount their lives in their memoirs:
"We would all look forward to St Bizier's Day platychidna..."
I know people who have eaten Echidna. They said is suprisingly good....but has the side effect of being an awsome laxative. They called a 10 step run. Eat it...take 10 steps and it runs straight down your leg.
manticle said:
Sounds like me and pho.
You use echidna for your pho? I've had you pegged all wrong you sicko!

I'm assured by an old friend from the country that young wombat is a very tasty dish.
Showed a work colleague spoilsbury toast boy recently and sicko might be an accurate description judging from her reaction.
All indigenous meats I have tried have been delicious.
Not tried echidna or wombat though.
manticle said:
Showed a work colleague spoilsbury toast boy recently and sicko might be an accurate description judging from her reaction.
Just watched some. I concur.
No, you sorted the wheat from the chaff Manticle, what she says and what she knows about herself need aligning.

Rare echidna pho sounds like a sweet idea. But it has to be basil, all the restaurants in Perth use mint because the basil is expensive and hard to get.
Actually she preferred salad fingers as the little green man has something sympathetic about him, even when eating the bloodied hairs he keeps in his safety cupboard. She was a bit freaked out by Valentine's Day though so I showed her a video about cats doing silly things to even it all up..
Bizier said:
No, you sorted the wheat from the chaff Manticle, what she says and what she knows about herself need aligning.

Rare echidna pho sounds like a sweet idea. But it has to be basil, all the restaurants in Perth use mint because the basil is expensive and hard to get.
I love the mint! What I don't like is the coriander heavy dishes some places serve. I don't know what's authentic, but I know I don't like that. Lido restaurant in Northbridge still has the best Pho Ga I've tried.
Danwood said:
Them's some strange biscuits, yes ?
Worst bit is I visited my grandmother in law today who has been stricken with dementia and now I'm too scared to sleep. The internet is Satan's greatest creation.
StalkingWilbur said:
I love the mint! What I don't like is the coriander heavy dishes some places serve. I don't know what's authentic, but I know I don't like that. Lido restaurant in Northbridge still has the best Pho Ga I've tried.
It is decent...
I go to the one up on Brisbane st nr William st.

I miss Marrickville a bit
StalkingWilbur said:
I love the mint! What I don't like is the coriander heavy dishes some places serve. I don't know what's authentic, but I know I don't like that. Lido restaurant in Northbridge still has the best Pho Ga I've tried.
Spent a week strolling the streets of Hanoi and spent a couple of afternoons in a kitchen there with a local chef.
If you don't like coriander, it might not be the best place to visit.

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