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eungaibitter1 said:
I found the dog during my regular mornings undertakings.
So par for the course then, yeah?
Forever Wort said:
One of the few assets Canberra has is its brazen lack of anything. Really appreciate that.

Sent by an unbranded electronic device from the nation's socialist capital
FTFY. Besides, socialist my ass.
chorizo is NOT pronounced cho-ri-tso

It's a Spanish word and z is pronounced z. So it's Ko ri zo.

in Italian z is pronounces "ts" so if it was an Italian sausage it would indeed be pronounced "Ko rits o"

So hipsters who pronounce it as being Italian can **** off.
If you're from the part of Spain round Barcelona, z (and a c sound) is pronounced as almost a "th" but with a lisp. So there its Ko ri tho (as best I can type it... its hard to type a lisp). Similarly Barcelona is pronounced Ba the lona.

So when Jamie Oliver says cha-rith-oh he's half pronouncing it properly due to his epic lisp and mockney accent.
First person to tell me where I can get a decent Mexican chorizo burrito in Melbourne can pronounce it however the hell they want.
Liam_snorkel said:
So when Jamie Oliver says cha-rith-oh he's half pronouncing it properly due to his epic lisp and mockney accent.
That's a nice looking dish. I wish I enjoyed tomato raw. if it's not cooked, I cant stand it.

Oliver's fat tongue ***** his speech up though it may be useful for a chef.
Same, can't eat it raw and it disapoints me. Can't eat cheese raw either unless it's got no flavour like a camembert. Can't eat strong cheese (cheddar and up) cooked or not.

Kraft single slices toasted, mozzarella on pizza, camembert crumbed and deep fried, and a little parmesan in a cooked dish is my cheese limit.

A pity cause i love watching it being made and can appreciate all the different styles and how yummy they must be if they weren't so horrible.
Had my first 4 cheese penne at the local cheap Italian joint up the road.
It was pretty epic.