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Malted said:
Yes there is a certain age that you get to and they just start sprouting. I think they are related to nasal hair.
I pluck my own. Except for when I get a haircut and the barber shoves the the buzz shaver with no comb, in the ear ole. My ears aren't that big, he shoves a corner of the shaver blade in.
I like the cut throat razor on the back of my neck after a haircut. Makes you feel fresh and clean.

I have an ebay Max for the nose ones that tickle, but i would never stick Max in my ear, well i shouldn't say never...If i was to live long enough to be one of those types like the odd hairy politician or specialist doctor you see sometimes with actual goblin tufts coming out the ears i'd use Max...
But in normal life of one lucky hair every six months or so i'd hate to loose that pleasuable 'pop' and tingly itch you can't scratch that comes from the plucking.

Tropical_Brews said:
Anybody tell the difference between Free Range Eggs and the common cage variety? I don't have the money to burn and just buy the cheapest. I reckon its a scam to be spending twice as much for claimed free range. If I wanted a tasty egg then I would go for duck eggs but can't find them anywhere locally.
Its a scam in a similar vein to 'organic prodce'
At least in the sense of what most customers regard as 'free range'. What it's not is, is birds roaming pristine wilderness and living off a diet of fresh grains and insects. Think more in terms of a concentration camp for chickens, but without the SS guards and Sonderkommandos . The birds have access to the outdoors true, but still basically spend most of their time pecking and scratching in the long picked over dirt and ingesting their own feces in between trips to the feeding stations and water. Their caged counterparts are more like prisoners doing solitary. But at least they aren't eating their own ****. Either way, they are both eating the same pellets chock full of protein and drugs to keep the animals productive and disease free.
I have two customers who own chicken farms. That's pretty much straight from the horses mouth.

I choose to buy free range from the shop even though I know it's kind of ridiculous. If I really cared, I wouldn't purchase shop bought eggs, picket the farm and try to bankrupt the farmer.

The best eggs I've eaten came from the chickens we briefly owned a couple of years ago until one of the dogs dug its way into the enclosure and killed all three. Bastard.
They were truly free range in the imagined sense, living off whatever they scratched from the gardens, spent grains and kitchen scraps. For obvious reasons, this kind of animal husbandry and farming is unviable at anything above a farmers market level.

The shells were thicker, the yokes were darker and tastier. Miles above store bought eggs.
I assume the birds were also happier. Though its hard to read whats on a chickens mind.
like I said - read the box. The classification for "free range" is 10,000 birds per hectare in most states, which is exactly like you describe - a concentration camp for chickens. There are smaller producers which have vastly lower number of chooks per unit area and advertise "free to roam on pasture" (which probably means they get let into a paddock for a few hours a day, but still, better than a concrete floor with no bugs to eat). those ones are double the price of the coles "free range".
I'd be curious to lean what constitutes 'free range beef'. The pricey stuff gets touted as grass fed, but I thought most was grass fed initially and grain finished.
Have to say, we use to raise our own beef when I was a teen and even though I was actually more stupid then than now, even I noticed the difference was profound. Definitely darker and less marbled for most cuts. Almost tasted 'gamey' by comparison.
it would need to be stamped by one of these mobs I'd say. I'm not sure how consistent they are with what passes for free range, grass few etc. I couldn't be bothered looking.

SWMBO's old man has a hobby farm out near Stanthorpe with around 50 head of cattle - free range grass fed & organic etc but he CBF paying for auditors & getting certified, since he keeps them for only a year and sells them much of it gets fattened up on grain once it leaves his property.
I don't blame him. The RSPCA was the only group I recognized. The rest are kind of versions of the same thing.
I wonder how one starts an organic certification concern. I'll bet there's a nice drink in it.
It could be a good lurk - drive around in your prius powered purely by smugness, looking at a few animalshere and there.
Does anyone actually give a **** what device someone posts on the internet with?

Sent from my cat's arse using my special powers and a glove.
My boss' dog died. I had to bag it and explain how I'd found it in the long grass. Snakebite we suspect.
That's rough, man.

manticle said:
Does anyone actually give a **** what device someone posts on the internet with?

Sent from my cat's arse using my special powers and a glove.
This "Internet of Things" is really getting out of hand.
eungaibitter1 said:
My boss' dog died. I had to bag it and explain how I'd found it in the long grass. Snakebite we suspect.
Unless your boss is also your wife/partner, I don't see how that can possibly be part of the job description?

Your dog, your responsibility.
manticle said:
Does anyone actually give a **** what device someone posts on the internet with?

Sent from my cat's arse using my special powers and a glove.
Does the glove impede function if it's a touch screen?
I suspect that it is the introduction of the glove itself that facilitates the touch-screen capacity of said mammalian medium.
Warm beer, just to clarify mate, I wasn't told or ordered to do anything. I found the dog during my regular mornings undertakings. It was my initial reaction to put it in the bag and go inform bossman, after that I believe he buried it himself. Boss isn't my wife, though my missus might argue that she's my boss.
It's all marketing. Was it Apple that started it? I think so.

One of the few assets Canberra has is its brazen lack of billboard advertising. Really appreciate that.

Sent by an unbranded electronic device from the nation's socialist capital

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