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Anybody tell the difference between Free Range Eggs and the common cage variety? I don't have the money to burn and just buy the cheapest. I reckon its a scam to be spending twice as much for claimed free range. If I wanted a tasty egg then I would go for duck eggs but can't find them anywhere locally.
Tropical_Brews said:
Anybody tell the difference between Free Range Eggs and the common cage variety? I don't have the money to burn and just buy the cheapest. I reckon its a scam to be spending twice as much for claimed free range. If I wanted a tasty egg then I would go for duck eggs but can't find them anywhere locally.
I can't taste the difference. Just depends on whether you like the thought of the way that the chooks are treated. Comes down to personal preference I guess.
I can tell the difference in the yolks - bigger, darker, tastier. But I like mine runny - might not be able to tell cooked through.

That's not why I buy them, though. I buy them because I've seen commercial barn layers and it showed me enough to feel ill imagining the conditions of cage layers.

It's one of those things.

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I grew up with spoiled chooks, I fully believe free range eggs taste better. A few months ago I fed a neighbour's chooks my spent grain and the neighbour gave me a bunch of eggs, and they were noticeably superior to any commercial free range eggs I have ever eaten, in full accordance with my memory of eggs from home.

That and the whole cruelty side of things.
We get fresh eggs from two different neighbours. Have to refuse them quite often. The eggs are better in flavour and colour and they cook quicker. A runny boiled egg is slightly under 3 mins instead of near four.
We had chooks on the farm and definitely agree the yolks are richer and a lot more golden in colour. They were also harder to peel when they were fresh. You knew it wasn't fresh though if you dropped an embryo into the frypan.
A neighbour worked at a layer farm and would bring us the double yolkers they rejected. One shell, two yolks, yummo.
Used to feed the chooks sorghum occasionally when I was a lad, the yolks were a deep orange colour and super rich. I'd love to get chooks again but the boss isn't keen, so I settle for the expensive eggs. Read the box as well - free range doesn't necessarily mean free to roam around and eat bugs & ****. QLD just change the reqs from 1500 to 10,000 chooks per hectare - but it's still better treatment that caged.
Liam_snorkel said:
Used to feed the chooks sorghum occasionally when I was a lad, the yolks were a deep orange colour and super rich. I'd love to get chooks again but the boss isn't keen, so I settle for the expensive eggs. Read the box as well - free range doesn't necessarily mean free to roam around and eat bugs & ****. QLD just change the reqs from 1500 to 10,000 chooks per hectare - but it's still better treatment that caged.
That's like the broiler farm down the road from the old mans. Free range as long as its inside the hundred meter long shed. The put em in a few days old and they take up a tiny section of the floor space, by the time they're two months old the floor space is full. All temperature and humidity controlled and kept in a state of soothing semi darkness. Not the most ideal conditions but hey, ever body luv chicken.
We get eggs from a variety of sources - all people who keep chickens - next door neighbour and relatives of my partner mainly. There is a distinct difference in the eggs between each source and a distinct difference from commercial and cage eggs. Freshness is obviously one factor but as Bum says - in the large eggs, yolks are bigger and hold together better than large commercial cage eggs. I find free range chicken to generally be larger, juicier and fresher tasting too with the better, smaller brands improvements on the others.
No question that small farm eggs trump supermarket **** any day of the week.

Chickens are pretty awesome too. One of my mother's follows the dog around all day and will run inside the house to see what you are doing. Very social animals.
Those Isa browns are the worst...great layers but if you let them roam free they will break into your house and make themselves comfortable. Smart too the fuckers. Had some that worked out they could fly up and land on the door handle and it would open the door.
I'm still amazed by the first person to look at a chook laying an egg and think "I'm going to eat that." Mind you, from what's on the Internet, that's not the worst the thing people have looked at chickens and thought.
I put 3 eggs into the pan today and each had an embryo in it. Thats the bad news. Good news is I just need to figure out who's going broody and I'll have the first of this season's indian game x dorking or rhode island red meat birds underway.
Grew up with Muscovy's and Black Australorp's roaming free. At the risk of sounding like Abe Simpson, eggs, be they duck or chook, were definitely better in my day. Have not even had the chance to have duck eggs since I was in my early teens so not sure they'd live up to my memories of how awesome they were.
Had Geese for a while...lot in a Goose egg...but the only lay in jul/aug...

As for the meat....very fatty....and nice..
I've had to go to the hospital frequently over the passed few months to visit a family member. It gets me every time seeing diabetic amputee patients smoking outside the hospital. I've seen amputee patients come out of the vascular ward and smoke.

Mind blown.