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I don't know why I am doing it to myself, but I am watching the Green Lantern movie in the background of looking up stuff on the net. It is so bad it might almost be good in a few decades. It might even be as good as Santa Claus Versus The Martians.
Camo6 said:
Was looking for a witty scat meme to post in reply and made the mistake of googling scat porn.

Caution: Do Not Google Scat Porn

Thank God the kids weren't watching. Don't think I can finish this brown ale either now.
Actually you'll never make a brown ale again ;) I have never been able to get rid of the pictures in my head from a similar 1999 web search.
One pint of Cleveland Steam Ale, thanks.
One great feature of the Cleveland Steam Ale is the free Dirty Sanchez with every sip.
You ******** are getting off in this ****.
And to think the whole thread was issued by bum.
Why not try google sepuku? Change your input language to Japanese and enter random Japanese characters into the google image search. Repeat until you see something that makes you wish you had never been born. Usually only takes a few tries.


If I may add, I find most Japanese porn brutal, disturbing and void of any useful eroticism.
Granted there are always good songs in every genre, depending on each individuals tastes.
Nero's okay - yep I do skip a few tracks.
Pendulum? they have a few good songs, but everytime I hear them I picture 25 clowns climbing out of an old impreza in a circus bigtop.
Overall, it's an annoying genre.

Got my son into Kvelertak now - it's his driving-to-daycare cd. But he still loves going back to Daft Punk.
bum said:
Been biting my tongue a little because I don't want to be The Old Bloke but I've been obliged to listen to more dubstep than usual lately and need to vent.

I dunno, it really seems like some arsehole said "Yeah, that IDM stuff was good back in the day but I reckon it'd be better if it was less I. Also, dudes are my primary market so no one needs to be able to D to it. In fact, if I juxtapose a small amount of M with whatever the **** it is that I do everyone will eat this **** RIGHT UP."

I hate the marketing tool who made up this ****.
Yeah. True dat. I saw some once that involved giving a young girl a huge enema then making her walk around (still full) in public till she shat herself all over the road and whoever was walking past. She was not happy. One wonders how desperate you would been to be to sign up for that.

Seriously Japan
Signed - Rest of world.

That was when I stopped playing google seppuku. Its like nuclear war. The only way to win is not to play.
70's stuff from northern, central and southern Europe for the win I reckon.

Those guys are almost to matter of fact in they're approach. Kind of situation ******* if you will.

One minute a girls shopping for fruit, the next minute she's bent over the counter copping a slightly under ripe banana up the date from the grocer.

Bloody Americans and their pool cleaner / tradesman / rich lonely wife scenarios. Like when does that ever happen?..
Actually a friend of mine in the States (who wasn't prone to making **** up and had zero trouble getting laid) was a vacuum cleaner salesman and said he got propositioned by housewives at least every week.
Mardoo said:
Actually a friend of mine in the States (who wasn't prone to making **** up and had zero trouble getting laid) was a vacuum cleaner salesman and said he got propositioned by housewives at least every week.

Tom Jones was a vacuum cleaner salesman.
Is your friend Tom Jones?
petesbrew said:
Granted there are always good songs in every genre, depending on each individuals tastes.
Nero's okay - yep I do skip a few tracks.
Pendulum? they have a few good songs, but everytime I hear them I picture 25 clowns climbing out of an old impreza in a circus bigtop.
Overall, it's an annoying genre.

Got my son into Kvelertak now - it's his driving-to-daycare cd. But he still loves going back to Daft Punk.
I'd like to put in my 2c worth on dubstep. It sounds like robots *******. That's the 2c worth.

Gutted I didn't plan my trip back home to co-incide with Kvelertak's show........Why doesn't the street press alert a bloke to that? Oh, wait......I live in Tasmania now.