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Camo6 said:
Julie goodwin has a cooking show?
Cooking show?
I thought she was a swimsuit model.

I like the Rachael Khoo program.
Mrs warra also likes the program.

Bummer about the bike, Duc.
Dave70 said:
Cooking show?
I thought she was a swimsuit model.

If the one in blue is among the "best", it's almost enough to turn a bloke off women.
Camo6 said:
Julie goodwin has a cooking show?

She did at one point anyway. Great recipes like how to make chicken schnitzel or bake a potato.
Cute blonde one whose name I forget (from the MC afterwards) showed how to spread nutella and bananas on pizza dough the other day.

@ducati - someone stole my girlfriend's bike the other day too. Not $280 but a real pain in the arse nonetheless.
Justine. Yum. And sometimes she had another little brown eyed mc contestant on with her. Cant remember what they cooked for some reason.
Dave70 said:
I'm hearing all this noise about glorified pâtissier Rachel Khoo, but can she actually cook?
If she looked like Julie Goodwin, would anybody actually give a **** about watching her program?
yeah, from what I've seen she definitely can. I believe she is trained to be a chef in France.
Liam_snorkel said:
Oh man, she is such a cutie.

I cant deny, cooking shows with attractive hosts will trump an episode of Breaking Bad or some-such for my viewing time any day.


My Greek Kitchen's Tonya Buxton and her giant spatula.



Clarie Robinson. Appearing Sunday the 25th at 1 & 3.30 pm, apparently.


And obviously

bum said:
I pictured you as more of a Maggie Beer man.
Actually Maggie Beer and Stephanie Alexander are my cooking idols. Anyone who does not have a copy of the Cooks Companion is a VB drinker
Cant believe no one has mention nigella yet. I love that u see her eating. How many shows does the chef actually eat what they cook.
I know, right? Everyone else's food might be poison. How would you know?
bum said:

That's so eerily reminiscent on one of my wife's uncles. His pride and joy is a 90 Model Honda Prelude, the ones with four wheel steering. On top of spray painting it himself, in his driveway, he's basically adorned it inside and out with the contents of a Supercheap Auto catalog. First he'll corner you, then walk you out to the Honda, then chew your ear off about the latest modifications he's performed. He could waffle for half an hour about speakers alone.
I haven't the heart to tell him all he's done is basically de-valued what was a shitbox to begin with.
Nice bloke actually, but thank **** they live interstate.
citymorgue2 said:
Cant believe no one has mention nigella yet. I love that u see her eating. How many shows does the chef actually eat what they cook.
Poor Nigella's been having a rough time of it lately.
70 year's old or not, I would have smacked Saatchi upside the head if I saw him throttling my buxom English rose.


[edit - spelled wife choking fuckhead Saatchi's name wrong]