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Bizier said:
Tonight our dog died. She was only a little over a year old. My partner was walking her and a loose dog on the street sprang out and attacked her. She died a few hours after in the vet and my partner has minor bite wounds from both dogs. Some days life is ******* plain unfair. I know I can be grateful I am not burying a child of my own like I have seen people around me do, and I am not fearing for my life based on prejudice, but it still ******* sucks. I wish to personally strike the owner of the other dog for their recklessness.
Find the owner, get in touch with the authorities and push to have the ******* thing destroyed.

I love my dogs, and we've had plenty, but I've zero tolerance for any dog who attacks a human.
Hey guys, while I was looking on gumtree for a job I found this ad:

they are looking for beer taster...they will pay 50$ for 25min of taste...unfortunatly they want only I can't apply :( but maybe some of you can go...
I thinks it's not to bad to be paid for taste, sure will be some new industrial brand...or new beer from big factory anyway if the beers taste bad you can go in your favourite pub and spend 50$ of good beer! :D
Bizier said:
Tonight our dog died. She was only a little over a year old. My partner was walking her and a loose dog on the street sprang out and attacked her. She died a few hours after in the vet and my partner has minor bite wounds from both dogs. Some days life is ******* plain unfair. I know I can be grateful I am not burying a child of my own like I have seen people around me do, and I am not fearing for my life based on prejudice, but it still ******* sucks. I wish to personally strike the owner of the other dog for their recklessness.
That's terrible, I'm very sad for you mate. I love dogs and I can understand your pain.
I'm agree that the owner of the other dog should be punished from authority. to have a dog is a responsability expecially if the dog is dangerous.
A wounded hand and a dead dog later, I am going to ******* well brew tomorrow, I swear.
That sucks mate. There needs to be tougher penalties for irresponsible or complacent dog owners. And there's no room in society for aggressive dogs regardless of what made them that way.
Sorry to hear about your dog and missus Bizier. It's a shame you can't have the dog's owner destroyed. Whether they made the dog that way or just failed to control it, is irrelevant it's still their responsibility. Lowlife scum.
All the best Bizier.

Pets are special, to lose one is sad and to lose one in such circumstances is awful.
Dave70 said:
Find the owner, get in touch with the authorities and push to have the ******* thing destroyed.

I love my dogs, and we've had plenty, but I've zero tolerance for any dog who attacks a human.
+1. What if, instead of your wife, it had have been a child walking his/her dog? Or an elderly lady? The outcome could have been even worse. Most councils are quick to act on vicious dogs if notified.
That is sad news, Biz. She was a bloody cool liitle dog. I hope your missus and you are ok, mate.
Cheers guys. Just to put it straight, my partner only sustained injuries from trying to separate the two animals. However, my anger is not only because of the damage done, there is a significant risk to at least small children from the animal. There are a lot of young families, many with dogs in our area. Authorities have been properly briefed.
Bezier that is completely fubar mate ! I am So bloody sorry for your dog . I am a really big dog lover and I can really feel your pain mate . The owners of the 'killer' at the least should go out of their way to compensate you and your family for the damage done , which hopefully will help but *** that **** mate , it riles my bones when this happens , the bloody owner of the dog should be sent down and a big mark on their name for being pathetic dog owners for the rest if their lives . What was the breed that attacked ?
Bizier said:
Cheers guys. Just to put it straight, my partner only sustained injuries from trying to separate the two animals. However, my anger is not only because of the damage done, there is a significant risk to at least small children from the animal. There are a lot of young families, many with dogs in our area. Authorities have been properly briefed.
Couldn't help but guess that was the cause of your wife's injuries. It's what anyone would've done to try and save their dog.
But yeah that sucks. Sorry for your loss Bizier. What breed (or cross) was she?
She was a Lakeland Terrier and a great little dog.


In other news I finally brewed today, breaking a long drought, apparently only topped by Mika.

I brewed a triple batch of IIPA, and I added a long bit of SS braid to the pickup and stupidly disturbed it when transferring to the second cube, and it near stalled. To get the third cube, I needed to use the pump to pull against the hops, and after a 2.5 hour transfer, I cleaned the kettle, tipped the cube back in and re-sanitised it, but I only heated to 80 deg to try to not convert too much more hops. Cubes went into the pool.

I added just under 600g of hops from the 5 min mark, so I kinda got what I deserved.
Yesterday, yes, yesterday. Our noobie tech rec guy asked what a FMS means. I told him Flight Masturbation System.

Totally got my boss with that one. He tries so hard to keep a poker face and not get involved but that got him.

A few hours later, another colleague is talking to a garage on the phone about his Subaru and in response to some question he responds, it's not stiff but then it isn't very floppy either.
On cue, my phone made the whistling tweet sound.
This is why everyone needs their alert tone to be "That's what she said".

Bizier said:
I added just under 600g of hops from the 5 min mark
When are you gonna stop mucking about and get serious? Put some hops in the bloody thing next time.

Since you're talking about pumping against the hops (my alert tone just went off for some reason), am I to understand that's 600g of flowers? Nice.
I'm hearing all this noise about glorified pâtissier Rachel Khoo, but can she actually cook?
If she looked like Julie Goodwin, would anybody actually give a **** about watching her program?
Julie goodwin has a cooking show?