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FWIW, the Earth's spherical nature was broadly accepted as being true by Christian societies until the the late Middle Ages when there was an attempt to impose Flat Earth Theory. This attempt was by no means universally accepted through the Christian world and it is commonly held that works of authors such as Washington Irving who give us the impression that ye olde Christian societies = Flat Earth Theory.

As for your all caps, Pollux - I have a similar contempt for those who pick and choose the elements which they believe from a religion.
I have a similar contempt for those who pick and choose the elements which they believe from a religion.

Damn you Vatican II!!! :angry:

So, is everyone looking forward to Christmas?
Does your post count go down when you delete a post?
I'd like to publicly apologise for my 2000th post not only being about beer but actually being an attempt to answer someone's query about brewing beer.
I have a similar contempt for those who pick and choose the elements which they believe from a religion.

You won't want to study the Baha'i faith then. Those crazy cats created a completely new religion based on the best bits of dozen others.

Baha'i doctrine is the hop-monster of dogma.

As for your all caps, Pollux - I have a similar contempt for those who pick and choose the elements which they believe from a religion.

I am known for my utter lack of religious beliefs, I follow Christmas as a commercial holiday and nothing more......

I rank God as having as good of a chance of existing as Vampires/Unicorns/Elves.....Hell, there are more books written about them than there are about "God".
Wasn't talking about anyone in particular.
You won't want to study the Baha'i faith then. Those crazy cats created a completely new religion based on the best bits of dozen others.

Baha'i doctrine is the hop-monster of dogma.


Sounds like christianity...
Religion was the worst invention man ever came up with I reckon. My 2c anyway.
Though possibly unnecessarily provocative, he raises a fair point in this instance. HB79's avatar is a picture of a man who invented a religion. Given the context it is a fair comment (even if posed unfairly).
However what is the reason you are interested in this bloke, i would assume it is what he stands for in life or common interests. I don't think you could say that religion and people are different, they go hand in hand. Just my opinion.
However what is the reason you are interested in this bloke, i would assume it is what he stands for in life or common interests. I don't think you could say that religion and people are different, they go hand in hand. Just my opinion.

I agree with alot of the things he has, or had, to say. So you're correct, life values and common thinking, and IMO sensible at that.
Religion and people are two different things my friend :icon_cheers:

Jesus, as a man, did not formulate the bible. On the other hand, Anton actively published works with the intention of perpetrating some stupid dark idealism in order for others to engage in (ie by reading the tripe).

I'm a Crowley man myself.
I'd like to publicly apologise for my 2000th post not only being about beer but actually being an attempt to answer someone's query about brewing beer.

I'm very happy that, upon reaching the 1000 post milestone, I can comfortably state that I know everything there is to know about making beer.

It's all just hazelnut paste, crack-sweat & white sugar.
Clellis just just completely pulled apart, nice hit soak in PBW, couple rinses and now drying. Hit them with some star San before putting back in action. Glad there wasn't any black muck coming out from the taps