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middle stump.
bat before ball
hitting silly mid off/on
I'd like to see less commentary on the quality of posting (in real threads) and more quality posting. The number of people whose only contribution to threads is a complaint about how annoying they find (supposedly) OT posts is hilariously appalling.
View attachment 32396
Oh, snap! You just keep failing, don't you?

In trying to prove me wrong by posting a long winded argument about how I've used the incorrect term (meme), in that the term used to mean something else, you've used a term that is just as ambiguous in it's meaning - an 'image macro' nowadays does indeed mean a picture with text on it, but it originally referred to the text itself/process of attaching it to the picture;

Where to begin?

Isn't it? Are image macros somehow excluded from being memes?

Let's see - what does have to say about it?

would imply that it's at least a recognised meme, your personal ignorance aside. Maybe the definition of 'internet meme' excludes it?

I'm pretty sure it's an internet meme.

Did I say it wasn't commonly recognised within the community of people who recognise these things? No, I said it was slightly lesser known. It's not exactly RickRolling.

In analogy, is a gene only a gene when it's found in sufficiently many genomes?

A meme is a meme once someone passes it to another person. How long it lives is separate from its name.

See earlier point. These 'units or elements of cultural ideas, symbols or practices' are still memes - those that are found funny by enough people will survive to be passed on. Those that are just stupid will be forgotten. When someone talks about a 'meme' they are referring to a specific concept that gets passed around, not the general idea of such a thing, but the original definition still works.

Just as is the case with the genetic 'gene' - some just keep going, no matter how bad (you, for example, managed to be spawn). 'Milhouse is not a meme' was a short lived meme itself, and spawned ''Milhouse is not a meme' is not a meme', and so on.

Now I get why your handle is bum - you're full of sh!t.

One day, perhaps not now, I'd like you both to examine the debate you just had and compare it with the significance you think it brings, not only to your own lives, but to the world at large.
I'd like you to go back to the part where I said I didn't even read it and clearly presented my reason for bringing it up in the first place (i.e. absolutely nothing to do with memes).
...and here I was putting that place on a pedestal with Kew and the other "elitist" areas around Melbourne when I here Fents was once there...puts that idea out with the rubbish :p

NSFW (nor is it safe for lunch-time)
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