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Spock is turning in is his grave. He's getting strange readings on his triquater.
Holy WTF was that. How shatner thinks that's good I don't know. It's hilarious
Really, today, of all days, my CO2 bottle decides that now is it's time to run out....

I'll have to wait till Tuesday to get an exchange one, hope there's enough pressure in the kegs to keep it moving till then.
Really, today, of all days, my CO2 bottle decides that now is it's time to run out....

I'll have to wait till Tuesday to get an exchange one, hope there's enough pressure in the kegs to keep it moving till then.
Had that happen a few times now. Very inconvenient. Now is a good time to put the bronco on and start the syphon pouring.
Luckily enough I have all JG fittings and also a keg of soda water that was just carbed up last week.....

Remove soda keg from fridge, it will release CO2, which if need be can be used to push the beer out of the other kegs.

EDIT: Change that, I just had a look and remembered that I had turned the fridge a bit lower last night as it is starting to have issues (might be time to replace it), as a result the kegs absorbed all the pressure in the system. Awesome.
The last time I clicked on a link I couldn't read my computer got a virus and the police questioned me about unauthorised viagra prescriptions.
Cok sagol, canim. :)

Turkiyede nerede kaldin?

Alanyada. Cok Cok eskiden :rolleyes: Simdi Benim Turkceyim cok zayif. O zaman bir American Bar'da calisiordum - 1975, Alanya kucuk bir sehir. Bugun O Gold Coast gibi <_<

Hey I had a six of Efes Pilsen the other week, brought back fond memories. :beerbang:
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I lost one of the little support things that hits your nose on my eyeglasses, due to mayhem with the boys on sat night. Now the remainder of the support is scraping into my nose. It hurts and Oakley don't sell the bits as spare parts. Fuckers.
Remove the other one, and file them down smooth. I had a pair of computer glasses that did me for three years like that, then finally went to specsavers and got newies. However I still take the old ones when I go shopping and need to read labels.
Wheres bum? did he earn hinself a holiday from AHB?
Wheres bum? did he earn hinself a holiday from AHB?

Last Seen: 21st April 2010 - 11:56 PM

Looks like he might have got himself a life outside the study. :icon_cheers:

Or banished by SWMBO from internet access. One of the two.
Last Seen: 21st April 2010 - 11:56 PM

Looks like he might have got himself a life outside the study. :icon_cheers:

Or banished by SWMBO from internet access. One of the two.
Wasn't he off to the US or something?
Wasn't he off to the US or something?
yeah the bastard was off to the US (chicago?) and staying near some great bar. thread is somewhere i you can be arsed looking for it. proly in the pub section
This is what happens when all u have to drink is cider and light beer.... U decide to try frying tofu to put in ur dinner and making a pineapple curry. It's just a little fruity!

I've dug out a bottle of scotch to return me to balance. I need beer!
So tell me how to fkn cook tofu properly. I bought tofu. Heated oil and dumped tofu into oil. It didn't puff or go brown. Did I buy wrong tofu? It looked like fetta cheese.
ok, was it silken tofu? If it was, get yourself a good Mapo Tofu recipe:

If it was hard firm tofu that you could throw against a wall and it would unlikly break, stirfry that with kai lan, garlic, ginger and some shao xing wine. thats it. Maybe dress it with soy and sesame oil.

If its puffed tofu.. Laksa and curries and mayyyybe a noodle stirfry. thats all i use it in.
