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****. Just got home from a very hairy drive. Easily the worst conditions I've ever driven in at night. Just checked the BOM webpage - 95kph winds, no rain stats yet but the overpass I was driving over had water splashing up around my windows driving at about 20kph. That is a flooded bridge, my very good sirs.
****. Just got home from a very hairy drive. Easily the worst conditions I've ever driven in at night. Just checked the BOM webpage - 95kph winds, no rain stats yet but the overpass I was driving over had water splashing up around my windows driving at about 20kph. That is a flooded bridge, my very good sirs.
Yeah pretty intense in some places I'm sure. Just out the back enjoying a few porters watching all the lightning. Not even a gentle breeze here. Glad you made it back home safe mate.
It was a narrow scrape to be honest - was touching cloth. People completely forgot how to drive. Too busy trying to find the road (which wasn't easy to be honest) to bother with indicators and such. At least no one was going quick.

It is times like these that you remember you've been meaning to clean the inside of your windscreen for about...two months. First thing in the morning. Promise.
Riding home on the bike was fun. Luckily I missed rain etc but it was fkn distracting having lightening going off everywhere and it looking like speed cameras going off was crap. Sounds like u had it a lit worse though. Be fkn **** riding in those conditions u described.

On an unrelated topic, I feel like beef Wellington. Although my beef Wellington (well my old mans recipe) has pate in it.
There's no way anyone could have been mad enough to get on a bike in that weather. There's not enough drugs in the world.

Never had Beef Wellington but none of those put me in the mood. I'm kinda over how much my wife likes cooking competition shows.
did you smell the word drugs Fents ;P

I like cooking. not neccesarily cooking shows. good beef wellington rocks. bad beef wellington (which is what you get most times) is crap.
My tight-arsed scrooge sister just sent an email suggesting we do a secret santa for all the kids this year.
It's only ******* April.
My tight-arsed scrooge sister just sent an email suggesting we do a secret santa for all the kids this year.
It's only ******* April.
so the kids only get 1 present? thats harsh. unless the kids are like 18.
so the kids only get 1 present? thats harsh. unless the kids are like 18.
oldest is 12... hers. so it's been okay to buy them pressies for all these years, now my sis and I have 3 under 3, and it's all a bit much now.
Christmas it always brings out the best in people

I have fixed this by telling people not to be upset when you don't get a present from me because I wont get upset when you don't buy me one
I use to think this was the most evil duo in modern history.


Not any more..not even close...

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I hate christmas and birthdays.

For a start I dont know what to buy people so I stress about what to buy people. most times this leads to me asking them what they want. Then people either buy me useless crap that I really dont want or they ask me what I want.
My figuring is **** it just buy what you want for your self and dont buy any one else anything.
Seriously I've recieved some really **** presents over the years. Like my family found out I liked camping one year (which I've pretty much liked doing since I was about 11 or 12) so they bought me a whole heap of camping stuff. most of which I already had - or was stuff that was useless as tits on a bull. For examply I got given a leather water "pouch" / canteen. Seriously WTF? I carry about 60L of water with me in jerry cans - what the hell use is some leather pouch that is going to make the water taste like arse that holds about 500mls of water going to do for me? or a swiss army card. Cause I always need a nail file and a plastic tooth pick in my wallet?

My family over all get along pretty well - including the extended family. Come Chrismas every fricken year there is some crisis over who buys who presents, how much to spend, who draws the kris kringal, which family has christmas on christmas day and which on boxing day or christmas eve, who is "santa" distributing all the presents from under the tree.
Then comes the arguements between partners because one of the partners has put the wrong label on one of the presents and someones got the wrong present. This normally involves under breath converations and shin kicking.

Its all horse ****. Im all for the big feed and getting together - but presents are crap.
Agreed. with impending birthday soon, everyone's asking me what I want. I don't want anything, I have enough stuff for a lifetime already...

Plus just because i was forcibly ejected out of a vagina does not make that day any special and certainly nothing to celebrate. In fact, if, randomly, I was forced out of a vagina headfirst again I would not be celebrating anything, and would probably be cowering in a dark corner somewhere.

Which is what i plan to do this birthday :D

P.S Also, I have a first class honours degree in medicinal chemistry and am doing a PhD in it, so stop buying me Toys-R-Us "home science" kits with sodium bicarbonate and vinegar in it.

...People actually think I'm going to use them...
Christmas and my birthday are within 2 weeks of each other.

I now put in my request for what single item I want, usually for both days combined, from all of my family and in-laws combined. They can sort out who gets to pay for what. I stipulate I do not want anything else, other than what I've requested. It's how I built up a lot of the equipment for my brewery, including a MillMaster, an extra burner, a medium regulator, extra gas bottles etc.

Mrs warra can worry about all the presents for anyone else, if she wishes to do that, which she does for the grandkids and her parents, at least. I just buy her something she wishes, and leave it at that. If it wasn't for stuff I want for the brewery, I'd stipulate I wouldn't want anything given to me at all.
how pissed off at work, would you say someone is to sit down and log all their hop and grain inventory into promash instead of doing work?..... esp if you edit all the AA% of the hops as takes a long time.....