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Attn - Bum: That noob registered before you.
Nevermind. ******** is on ignore now anyway (unrelated).
"No Topic Thread" is now known as "Bum's Soliloquys"
Don't break down the third wall, *********.
Depends on your set designer, actually.
When is a noob no longer a noob//? (******* question mark key... looks like that bit of two minute noodle is back and relodged)
and which noob is a noob. and what defines the noob behavoiur of the noob to indeed classify them as noob. are there levels of noob? noob noob, beginner noob, intermediate noob, advanced noob. or even noob intermediate noob (as in new to the intermediate noob level).

then there are expeianced grain brewers who may be mead or cider noobs. how do we define them.

oh and of course. which noob are you talking about?
look at the picture that goes with this article. its about palistinians dressing like Avatar movie characters to further their cause. im afraid all they looked like to me, was smurfs!
Haha unfortunatly dressing up like Smurfette will not stop Isralei Gargamels from pillaging your ass.
and which noob is a noob. and what defines the noob behavoiur of the noob to indeed classify them as noob. are there levels of noob? noob noob, beginner noob, intermediate noob, advanced noob. or even noob intermediate noob (as in new to the intermediate noob level).

Which way is up and which is way down in this idea? i.e. is an advanced noob one who knows more or less than an intermediate noob. As the noob gains skills/knowledge and their noobness decreases, does this drop them down the noob scale? Or is more black and white, noob & non-noob??

Cheers SJ
is this what happens when AHB meets Dr Seuss?
"Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it." - Maharishi Phucknuckel's guide to Zen

"Experience is something you don't get until after your a noob." - application of Maharishi Phucknuckel's guide to Zen
is this what happens when AHB meets Dr Seuss?

from Dr Suess 'Brew Books and Ham'

Those noobs those noobs, those brewing noobs, why cant they brew full mash brew such as these.
So I got out my brew book just as fast as I please and I say to them, read this now before I start to tease.

And those noobs say but do you like green K&K and ham?
I reply, I do not like K&K only full AG, a brew snob I am.
not really. just some comic relief to break up a heavy day. besides i usually have to read a Dr Suess book to the oldest daughter every night.
I really just meant noob in that he hasn't any idea how the internet works. I haven't seen anyone top-post since 1995.

As for levels of noobiness - some people are born noobs and some people have noobiness thrust upon them. Fewer still are 1337|-|4><0rZ 4 lief, like me.