No Chill Whirpool

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I might be doing it 'wrong', but I always just whirlpool vigorously as soon as I turn the gas off, and let settle for 15 or 20 mins. Get a nice cone in the centre of the pot, and very little hot break into the cube.


me too
I dont get this. I really think this is a myth. Ive done 30+ no chills and I have not changed any hopping schedules and they have all been fine.

Don't bother mate, let them over complicate a simple technique.
I dont get this. I really think this is a myth. Ive done 30+ no chills and I have not changed any hopping schedules and they have all been fine.

Each to their own really... and often depends on beer style and hops used. In my experience Amarillo as an example tends to need dialing back when going no chill. Whereas Styrian or some other lower alpha tends to be just fine
No chilling without modification on APA's and IPA's I've had no luck with, though to be honest I am finding now that cube hopping plus dry hopping in the keg suits me just fine, and everything else is a pain.
Amarillo as an example tends to need dialing back

BLASPHEMER!!!! ban him from this forum :lol:

FWIW I dont adjust hop schedules either when no chilling.
I agree slightly there. But saying that, heres my results.

I recently did Ross's Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale. Here was my recipe -

Recipe: 32 - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
Brewer: Dazza
Asst Brewer:
Style: Special/Best/Premium Bitter
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 27.70 L
Estimated OG: 1.050 SG
Estimated Color: 9.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 34.3 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.50 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) (5Grain 91.84 %
0.40 kg Wheat, Torrified (Thomas Fawcett) (3.9 EBCGrain 8.16 %
12.50 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (80 min) Hops 17.9 IBU
15.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (20 min) Hops 12.3 IBU
15.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (5 min) Hops 4.1 IBU
26.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (Cube Hop) Hops -

With the cube hop addition calculated as a 0 min addition I get 34.3 Ibus (as per recipe). With the cube hop addition calculated as a 20min addition I get 55.6 Ibus. Then you guys are saying the 5min addition would be like a 10-15min addition totalling over 60ibus. Thats almost double the original IBU's. And I can say this beer is nowhere near 60+ Ibu's. Swill drinkers are loving it. And I have also had Mark try it. I believe its bang on the 34 Ibus. Anyway each to their own. Debate over.
No chilling without modification on APA's and IPA's I've had no luck with, though to be honest I am finding now that cube hopping plus dry hopping in the keg suits me just fine, and everything else is a pain.
I agree with all of this (except the keg thing because I bottle so I wouldn't know). Cube hopping works a treat and I've just done my first experiment with doing an AIPA without changing the hoping schedule and it is really lacking in the aroma stakes and even the flavour is a little muted considering the hopping rates.

American styles really do have me looking at getting a plate chiller.
I agree slightly there. But saying that, heres my results.

I recently did Ross's Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale. Here was my recipe -

Recipe: 32 - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale
Brewer: Dazza
Asst Brewer:
Style: Special/Best/Premium Bitter
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 27.70 L
Estimated OG: 1.050 SG
Estimated Color: 9.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 34.3 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.50 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) (5Grain 91.84 %
0.40 kg Wheat, Torrified (Thomas Fawcett) (3.9 EBCGrain 8.16 %
12.50 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (80 min) Hops 17.9 IBU
15.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (20 min) Hops 12.3 IBU
15.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (5 min) Hops 4.1 IBU
26.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.60 %] (Cube Hop) Hops -

With the cube hop addition calculated as a 0 min addition I get 34.3 Ibus (as per recipe). With the cube hop addition calculated as a 20min addition I get 55.6 Ibus. Then you guys are saying the 5min addition would be like a 10-15min addition totalling over 60ibus. Thats almost double the original IBU's. And I can say this beer is nowhere near 60+ Ibu's. Swill drinkers are loving it. And I have also had Mark try it. I believe its bang on the 34 Ibus. Anyway each to their own. Debate over.

I recently put down the same recipe and did not adjust any addition times. I was very worried at first as all the fermenter samples were very bitter(up there with the most bitter ones I have made) however after bottling and conditioning for a week there was no noticable difference from an old extract recipe I did with the same hop schedule(was cooled instantly as it was a partial boil).
This was a hot summer day and took 12 hrs just to lower to 36 degrees.
I guess you need to run the same recipe with and without a chiller to see if the difference affects the results in a was that youre not happy with.
Great drop by the way!
under, so you're saying in your opinion the cube adjustments to IBU are a myth?

I don't disagree with that, I don't really know enough either way to say, but your example is certainly a good one.

But one thing I know for sure in my setup is that you do need to adjust things if you want late hop characteristics in your beer. Especially aroma. Cube hopping is good for flavour and a bit of aroma but you can't make a beer where you can smell the hops in the glass from more than a meter away, put it that way. With dry hopping you can though and I happen to like the 'grassiness' of dry hopping (never tasted grass ever, just resiny goodness) so I'm okay with it.

If my tap water was cool enough to chill wort properly I'd for sure own a plate chiller though.
Cube will more than likely be fine so long as the temp was >80C but your flavour and aroma additions are now all bitter additions.

What was your recipe?

Isnt it the motion in a rolling boil the creates (obviously the heat as well otherwise we could just stir hops in for bitterness) a lot of the bitterness?

Dont generally adjust for no chill, but have taken to chilling my heavily hopped beers :)
Isnt it the motion in a rolling boil the creates (obviously the heat as well otherwise we could just stir hops in for bitterness) a lot of the bitterness?

Have another read of this post. The motion of the boil has very little to do with isomerisation.

Dont generally adjust for no chill, but have taken to chilling my heavily hopped beers :)

I can see the point in regards to heavily hopped beers.
For those that hot whirlpool just off the boil, how long do you normally have to wait?

I just found yesterday I had to wait nearly an hour before all the eddies died down. Should I have waited that long or done it sooner and just cube the not fully cleared wort? Thanks. :beerbang:
I made a union jack clone using the following schedule (plus another 176g in dry hops), it came out quite harsh. I haven't rebrewed it yet but when I do I'll be trying a different schedule to see if there's a difference. The bittering addition was supposed to be a single high alpha hop ie. warrior. But I had to substitute for what I had on hand.

Amount Item Type % or IBU
26.00 gm Simcoe [12.20%] (90 min) Hops 33.5 IBU
10.00 gm Centennial [10.50%] (90 min) Hops 11.1 IBU

24.50 gm Centennial [7.70%] (20 min) Hops 11.3 IBU
23.00 gm Cascade [5.40%] (20 min) Hops 7.4 IBU

52.00 gm Cascade [7.00%] (0 min)
52.00 gm Centennial [10.50%] (0 min)
I wait about 20 minutes.

20minutes for me too... lid on and all that. Gives me enough time to pack most stuff away. I try and make it so i can whirlpool, drain to cube, hose out the kettle and all done.
20minutes for me too... lid on and all that. Gives me enough time to pack most stuff away. I try and make it so i can whirlpool, drain to cube, hose out the kettle and all done.

What sort of burner? I use a big arse 4 ring on a vigorous boil. :beerbang:
What sort of burner? I use a big arse 4 ring on a vigorous boil. :beerbang:


I can get a very vigourous boil going and the bottom of the keggle is usually glowing red when it's on full blast. I don't sit the keggle right on top of the burner. The burner sits inside a slotted angle rig about 100mm or so below the bottom of the keggle. I get a pretty successful trub cone going... so it works for me

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