I have brewed a few beers from a kit.
I first did this a few years ago, and have since bought a new coopers kit, (lost all the previous kit items in moving house)
I have done a few runs with just the standard pale ale mix, and I'm wanting to further find my own flavour, eventually getting away from using the extract cans (not that there's anything wrong with them) I just want to achieve my own personal flavour.
I wanted to possibly try using some grains, if not an all grain brew. Just don't know where to start, if some one could point me in the right direction that would be awesome !!
the coopers kit i currently have also differs from my old kit (as there is no air lock bubbler thing) wondering if this will be any different or would only suit the kit brews.
I have brewed a few beers from a kit.
I first did this a few years ago, and have since bought a new coopers kit, (lost all the previous kit items in moving house)
I have done a few runs with just the standard pale ale mix, and I'm wanting to further find my own flavour, eventually getting away from using the extract cans (not that there's anything wrong with them) I just want to achieve my own personal flavour.
I wanted to possibly try using some grains, if not an all grain brew. Just don't know where to start, if some one could point me in the right direction that would be awesome !!
the coopers kit i currently have also differs from my old kit (as there is no air lock bubbler thing) wondering if this will be any different or would only suit the kit brews.