Newbie rediscovering his passion for beer

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Thought I would introduce myself, I have always been a lover of beer and am pleased I have found this forum.

Spent a lot of my university days brewing beer and enjoying the process of sharpening our recipes. It started as a means to an end due to the lack of money but had a great time doing it. However like most I started working and then had money to buy beer and drifted away from home brewing.

In the last couple of years I have been enjoying the new craft beers on the market and recently started to put down a couple of kegs at a local brew yourself establishments. This has reignited my passion for home brew and I want to explore it further.

Looking forward to chatting with different members and making some new friends along the way.

Cheers Guys!!
Hark there, Harks.

Welcome aboard.
Hi Harks

Just reading your story takes me back 40 years or so when I started homebrewing (alright - home fermenting :) ) to make beer as cheaply as possible and didn't care too much about the taste. Now my aims are to make it as good as possible, and don't care too much about the cost! How time changes everything...

Anyway, good to have you with us. Cheers :beerbang: .
Welcome Harks,

How far in to the process do you see yourself going? Good to see another member revisiting homebrewing from their uni days :beer:


Thanks for the kind words guys.

I agree evoo4u that mind shift from cheap beer to now wanting great beer where price is not the driving factor.

As for how far I would like to go Dave, a full grain brew has got me thinking about the process and the tools to make that. As an industrial designer, designing up the equipment and process is very appealing.
Ooh! I genuinely look forward to the build photos..

Welcome aboard, a lot of research and fun times ahead for you mate. Building a rig is epic fun, getting quality beer out of it is equally great!

Welcome, mate, I too rediscovered brewing, brewing with a mate in my early 20's, stopping when I moved here, and then after 18 years getting back off the wagon. I'm way more tragic about it now than I was then :) Enjoy the ride, and yes, do share your inevitable build thread.