Newbie question. how long should I wait?

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Gday guys, I have done a few brews and with some success with K&K, (my mates think its good anyway..haha) however this last brew coopers mexican cerveza I changed the yeast too us-05 because of the colder weather and wanting too take next step.The brew is still fermenting (small bubbles still rising to top - glad wrap lid) after 26days.I am going away on thursday for 5 days. my hydrometer readings have been constant the last 3 days @1010 but should I wait till bubbles stop before kegging or because the readings are the same go ahead and bottle??? starting to freak at the time it is taking as longest brew before has been 10 days. cheers.
Beer is finished - time to bottle.

cheers Ross

Edit: This is assuming you are fermenting at 14c+
Nope and no intention of doing so, plenty of great deals to be had from such as Ross and others who do a great job of supplying said stuff.. Apart from swaps, I don't bottle no more, time is at a premium
peteglee said:
should I wait till bubbles stop before kegging or because the readings are the same go ahead and bottle???
Are you kegging, bottling or both?

I'd imagine if your gravity readings are constant for three days, then you're done. Pretty long fermentation you've had, and 1010 sounds about right for a lager (without knowing your OG).

FYI: US05 is an ale yeast, not a lager yeast.

Yeast creates carbon dioxide during fermentation, this may be the bubbles you're seeing - it's normal.
Thanks guys, might get into it now. I corny keg and bottle the leftovers. Best of both worlds. Just got an old fridge off a mate and ordered a temp controller off eBay. Next step would be lager yeast????
It's not as simple as getting the beer cold and then adding a lager yeast. I don't mean to put you off or anything mind, but you should definitely do some research into the subject first. There's probably a guide around here someplace.

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