New Liquid Yeasts In Perth?

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Form what I see they are not a company,
I hope our tax payers NHMRC dollars are not being spent for someone to culture up some 1056 in between surfing the net and drinking another gallon of coffee

Most researchers that I know work quite long hours, the coffee's necessary dammit :D

Damn off topic again...
And my lab would lynch me if I was to work with yeast in a flow hood. They can be quite difficult to remove from tissue culture. So they go nowhere near it.
yeah, i'd be very much lynched myself if i used a tissue culture flow hood, understandably so :p
Gudday guys,

Colin here from Proculture. I'm putting together an FAQ just now and the website should be up hopefully by the end of the week if all goes well.

We haven't been hiding, if you had asked Brian @ Malthouse to get us to contact you I am sure he would have passed on the contact details. It was Roy @ TWOC that brought this conversation to our attention.

In short, yes it is a young business, but we have been growing yeast for around 4yrs now. Yes it has an ABN, and registered with ASIC. We have 88 strains available, and getting more as time goes on , and we are serious about it. The yeast is grown on natural media, direct from our own mash tun/kettle set up. Dr Wayne Reeve is the other partner of the bussiness getting his quals @ Murdoch Uni. Pressure build up in the tube is a good sign, it should happen when you bring the yeast up to room temperature before pitching them in. We currently supply 3 microbreweries.

I leave it at that and I'll let you know when the skeleton website is up for you to have a look and hopefully that will put some of your fears to rest. Please note that our circumstances are changing in the next month as we have just secured a new laboratory @ murdoch as we have grown somewhat, so I don't want to do all this twice.


PS I'll be dropping in here more often now.
Gudday guys,

Colin here from Proculture. I'm putting together an FAQ just now and the website should be up hopefully by the end of the week if all goes well.

We haven't been hiding, if you had asked Brian @ Malthouse to get us to contact you I am sure he would have passed on the contact details. It was Roy @ TWOC that brought this conversation to our attention.

In short, yes it is a young business, but we have been growing yeast for around 4yrs now. Yes it has an ABN, and registered with ASIC. We have 88 strains available, and getting more as time goes on , and we are serious about it. The yeast is grown on natural media, direct from our own mash tun/kettle set up. Dr Wayne Reeve is the other partner of the bussiness getting his quals @ Murdoch Uni. Pressure build up in the tube is a good sign, it should happen when you bring the yeast up to room temperature before pitching them in. We currently supply 3 microbreweries.

I leave it at that and I'll let you know when the skeleton website is up for you to have a look and hopefully that will put some of your fears to rest. Please note that our circumstances are changing in the next month as we have just secured a new laboratory @ murdoch as we have grown somewhat, so I don't want to do all this twice.


PS I'll be dropping in here more often now.
Good on you Colin.Drop me a PM and we will see what you have to offer.Sounds exciting.
Hi everyone,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Dr Wayne Reeve and I am a senior lecturer at Murdoch University lecturing in cell biology and microbiology. I am also a partner (along with Colin Reeve) in the newly established business Proculture.

I obtained my PhD in molecular microbiology and have since accumulated over 12 years research experience in microbiology. I lead a research team at Murdoch University and have 8 PhD students and 1 honours student actively involved in researching various aspects in microbiology. My current focus in research is centred on establishing the exact complete DNA sequence (genomes) of 7 microorganisms. This research is funded by the Department of Energy in the USA through the Joint genome Institute (JGI) (and no Im not funded by the NHMRC and definitely do not waste tax payers money...but agree coffee is a necessity as is a good brew once in awhile!). Unfortunately, I missed the threads posted since I was in the USA at the JGI until recently. But thanks to Roy@TWOC for making me aware of the discussions that have been taking place. In addition to all this I regularly culture strains and try to make interesting beers with them!

I would like to say that it is great to see such active discussion from the brewing community. In fact I would love to make the conversation more productive and discuss strain attributes and the potential for application in brewing...the latter a topic we all love doing. But first I understand that you all need to be informed about the new product appearing on the shelves! Proculture is a business that will provide pure cultures of yeast strains to those of you that demand freshness and quality in their brewing. The production of the yeast occurs in a dedicated yeast culture laboratory at Murdoch University. Rest assured there are no pathogenic organisms propagated in the building. In fact the strictest code of ethics is in operation to ensure the product is contaminant free when it leaves the premises. The yeasts are cultured on guaranteed food safe media that is sterilized before it is inoculated. The cultured yeasts are then subjected to a quality control process that ensures they are pure. All strains are recovered from cryogenic storage prior to inoculation to minimise genetic drift.

I cannot vouch for the experiences of fellow threader Ronin but the scientific colleagues I mix with are all thoroughly professional and experts in their areas. I can only offer people the opportunity to exploit what is being offered here for what I feel is an absolute bargain for a top quality product manufactured in WA!

To those of you that are interested there will be a website available soon. I will endeavour to check the threads more often.

I wish you all the best in your brewing!


Thank you Wayne for that most informative and complete reply. It sounds like a thoroughly commercial grade product. The fact that you supply 3 micros would certainly give me the confidence to at least give your cultures a go. On another point, it's interesting that some home brewers would be so skeptical of a new commercial product yet quite happy to use yeasts cultured in garages by their mates. Oh and 25 degrees for an ale, sounds like a Coopers kit temp.
well it's good to know that i'm not going to die from some nasty disease attributable to these yeasts - as some on this thread would have us believe ;)

i've now used a few of these and have had no issues, all have been true to style. and like i said before, considering they are only $10 and have more yeast than a white labs vial, i'll be sticking with this. if only other retailers could get on board with it, neville get cracking! :D
We were waiting for you Ross. :lol:

Its great to see your support of this Neville. Personally I can't understand why any retailer wouldn't be getting behind it! I say let the product do the talking. I for one would love to see a local yeast producer. If anything it would stop those nasty exchange rate driven price rises... ;)
So who is stocking these or who is going to stock these?
Not quite sure what you are inferring there TD. My only post on this subject was to ask if anyone had had the decency to ask Proculture for the facts, after a lot of far from supportive posts from the local community. I'm in full support of this new venture & have already contacted them directly offering such. Great to see an Australian company taking this on board & yes should make for more stable prices during these turbulent times :)

cheers Ross
well it's good to know that i'm not going to die from some nasty disease attributable to these yeasts - as some on this thread would have us believe ;)

i've now used a few of these and have had no issues, all have been true to style. and like i said before, considering they are only $10 and have more yeast than a white labs vial, i'll be sticking with this. if only other retailers could get on board with it, neville get cracking! :D
The biggest problem was getting any information on the products, as you can imagine some retailers are protective of their sources.Now all is apparent I very happy to get on board.West Australia showing the way again. :super:
Hmmm Murdoch Uni 5 mins away or TWOC..... 5 mins away.
Gotta say I'm a little bit exited :)
Am I missing something here, but surely this yeast is of a higher quality than what people achieve culturing Cooper's bottle yeast with apparently no ill effects?
Pitched a bavarian lager (Pro27) at 15C straight from the vial and it was away in about six hours and multiplying enthusiastically 24 hours later at 12C. This stuff looks really promising.
This is great and I hope all Aussie HBS get behind them.

But the big question is what bugs do they have :D
Great to hear the facts from the source.

My apologies for questioning the location used for propagation, though working in an academic field I'm sure you can appreciate people asking questions :)

I'll have to pick up a vial and give this a go. A local yeast lab will be a great asset not just for Perth but for Australia.

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