My First Ag....what Should I Brew?

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I think a nice pale ale would be perfect, and is what I did for my first AG.

Agree and that is what I did.

I looked back at some of my previous extract recipes and picked one I really enjoyed; mainly hop flavour wise; and based an AG on that.

Two or three grains - Ale malt, some wheat and perhaps a little crystal.

Single infusion and batch sparge.

Dried yeast - US-05 etc

Just keep it simple!

You are setting out to make beer but your first AG is about working out your system.



Could you please be kind enough to let me know what the smell you get from fermenting lagers... I asked it earlier but it was ignored?

Sorry Katie, must have missed that. Yes, some lager yeasts, as Grant said, do give off very sulphury smells. I haven't brewed many because I'm on a bit of an APA fetish at the moment, but S189 aka Swiss Lager Yeast doesn't seem too bad.

Phillip, the key is to gradually lower the temperature. You want to do it smoothly over the 24 hours. You are correct that if you chill it too quickly, they will go into shock.
Tonys LCBA recipe was my first and second AGs........ easy enough. Just make sure you write out a planner or a schedule or something. I pride myself on being organised and i woulda been lost without the plan i wrote out, write everything in order and follow it.

let us know how you go.
Agree and that is what I did.

I looked back at some of my previous extract recipes and picked one I really enjoyed; mainly hop flavour wise; and based an AG on that.

Two or three grains - Ale malt, some wheat and perhaps a little crystal.

Single infusion and batch sparge.

Dried yeast - US-05 etc

Just keep it simple!

You are setting out to make beer but your first AG is about working out your system.



Thats how my golden ale came to be. Its just an AG version of a kit beer i was very happy with.
Sorry Katie, must have missed that. Yes, some lager yeasts, as Grant said, do give off very sulphury smells. I haven't brewed many because I'm on a bit of an APA fetish at the moment, but S189 aka Swiss Lager Yeast doesn't seem too bad.

Phillip, the key is to gradually lower the temperature. You want to do it smoothly over the 24 hours. You are correct that if you chill it too quickly, they will go into shock.

Cheers... I was just having a dumby spit... feeling a bit fragile today!

I myself love ales though my partner and brewing partner loves lagers. Lots to read! Oh well I have 5 months!
Just make sure you write out a planner or a schedule or something. I pride myself on being organised and i woulda been lost without the plan i wrote out, write everything in order and follow it.

Yep, and take notes, like mash temps etc, as you go. Good to look back on if things go wrong..............or good.
I would also suggest a simple pale ale to anyone attempting their first AG. This style won't mask any flaws that you might have, but it also won't be ruined by them, so you learn from your mistakes but still end up with a good beer. It's amazing what you can pass off as 'character' in an english ale!

That said, I wouldn't be too worried about flaws and off flavours. Most of these arise during fermentation, not mashing, so all your pre-AG experience should have you covered.

It's also a forgiving style when you miss all your target gravities - a near certainty with a first AG!
All set to go for tomorrow with my first AG. Doing it BIAB style due to limited equipment at this stage. I have Docs yard glass session beer planned 1st up and a belgian pale recipe for my second. I got both from the Recipe DB. Just hoping the storm tonight doesnt throw tomorrows brewing out the window. Having been reading stuff here for a while and plan on taking plenty of notes 1st time around. I have already tested the gear I will be using -made sure my 3 ring burner will acheive a rolling boil, ordered my grains from Ross pre milled. I keg my beer so will see how it all goes. If it's a disaster I still have 3 kegs of beer left and enough grain to see if I have learnt from any mistakes in take II. Looking forward to it.
Good luck with the brew tonight. And if the power goes out, you can keep on boiling!

Yeah if the power goes out I will be right, the kegs will stay cold without the need to open the fridge and I can keep the gas burning, chiller pump will be a problem though.
NO CHILL.... :ph34r: Do not fear the Botulism.....


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